[hider=Mica][color=silver][color=cedb89]Name[/color]: [color=e1e9b7][i]Mica Tano[/i][/color] [color=cedb89]Alias[/color]: [color=e1e9b7][i]Atlas[/i][/color] [color=cedb89]Gender[/color]: [color=e1e9b7][i]Male[/i][/color] [color=cedb89]Age[/color]: [color=e1e9b7][i]18[/i][/color] [color=cedb89]Looks[/color]: [center][img]https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/74898965_453241555381304_7978356461564553929_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&oh=b0c2b7a9777580570e3957abb9166c55&oe=5E83B80F[/img][/center] [color=cedb89]Occupation[/color]: [color=e1e9b7][i]Waiter / "Associate"[/i][/color] [color=cedb89]Personality[/color]: [color=e1e9b7][i]Outwardly placid, Mica appears to be an unassuming and easy-going sort. His friends and co-workers know him to be diligent, sometimes even a bit forceful in holding everyone around him to a higher standard, not tolerating laziness or ignorance, but on the whole a quiet and well-to-do sort, if not particularly interesting. Some are allowed to see deeper into his character, where he is more obviously idealistic and daring, with a sarcastic and crass sense of humor.[/i][/color] [color=cedb89]Backstory[/color]: [color=e1e9b7][i]Born and raised a Gorgon, Mica is not quite heir-apparent of the emergent crime family, but as the eldest son of the current boss he's not far off from it. As a child he got an eyeful of the many activities his family got up to, everything from drugs and booze to sex and violence. Understandably it was difficult for him to properly understand how off-center his upbringing was, but in time he gained the perspective he needed to finally put a name to all the unpleasant feelings he had whenever he was confronted with the knowledge that one day he would be dragged down to the same level as his father. Mica faced a moral quandary, and soon a difficult choice will present itself; would he serve his family, or would he save them?[/i][/color] [color=cedb89]Skills/Weapons[/color]: [color=e1e9b7][i]Mica was on his high school's baseball team, developing a bit of a mean swing, and making him a swift sprinter when necessary, but recently his father demanded he pick up something a bit more offensively useful, and so he began boxing at Ironstone's, a gym operated by the Gorgon's. More relevant, Mica had been dutifully trained and instructed in the proper care and usage of firearms, and frequents a private shooting range.[/i][/color] [color=cedb89]Other[/color]: [color=e1e9b7][i]The Giorginos were a moderately prolific Mafia family based in Long Beach in the 60s, but were shut down and imprisoned later in the decade. Pernelle Tano united the left-over petty gangs and reformed the syndicate in the 90s under its current name. Most of the new blood came from her delinquent high school clique, but she was killed at the turn of the decade and succeeded by her eldest son, Jasper Tano. Jasper, Mica's father, hugely expanded the family into the affluent force it is today, buying off officers and establishing connections with cartels and gangs across the country. His efforts are a large part of what shaped the lawless elements of the city into the volatile hive it is today, opening doors even for those thugs and thieves not on his payroll. Mica himself is not so sweet and naive that he wants to dismantle the entire criminal machine and 'save the day' as it were, but the blatant evil that takes place under his own roof sickens him, and he dreams of pruning their more wicked edges and pointing them in more Robin Hood-esque directions. There are frequently rich and powerful people far more deserving of their fate than the everyday man of the struggling working class, especially in Long Beach.[/i][/color][/color][/hider] [hider=Amber][color=silver][color=d69fa4]Name[/color]: [color=e5c3c6][i]Amber Sabel[/i][/color] [color=d69fa4]Alias[/color]: [color=e5c3c6][i]Sahara[/i][/color] [color=d69fa4]Gender[/color]: [color=e5c3c6][i]Female[/i][/color] [color=d69fa4]Age[/color]: [color=e5c3c6][i]19[/i][/color] [color=d69fa4]Looks[/color]: [center][img]https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/24177471_200743940495308_2045029999177629696_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=104&oh=f6c54120ef9560d288be9f68423227c2&oe=5E84A7B4[/img][/center] [color=d69fa4]Occupation[/color]: [color=e5c3c6][i]Waitress / "Associate"[/i][/color] [color=d69fa4]Personality[/color]: [color=e5c3c6][i]Stubborn and adventurous, Amber is aggressively welcoming and overbearingly friendly. Though, there is a certain unforgiving steel in her heart, and while on the whole she's compassionate and accommodating there's no doubting her ruthless spine. She holds grudges with the best of them for all that she's soft and kind on the surface.[/i][/color] [color=d69fa4]Backstory[/color]: [color=e5c3c6][i]Amber's family was part of the Gorgons long before she herself was born, a fact that frightened her mother away to live instead with her husband out of the country. Her life was more difficult because of it, with little support or opportunity available to them, and so no one was there to notice when things took a darker, more violent turn in their own home. Armed with a nail gun, Amber stopper her father in his tracks with a well aimed shot pinning his hand to the wall. To protect her daughter, her mother finally gave in and called for help from their more criminal family members back in Long Beach. Having grown up outside the syndicate and only later being exposed to this sort of life Amber had a lot of trouble adjusting.[/i][/color] [color=d69fa4]Skills/Weapons[/color]: [color=e5c3c6][i]Amber began taking boxing classes at Ironstone's when she became an associate of the Gorgons, and has likewise been quickly brought up to speed by her uncle at a shooting range on how to handle a gun.[/i][/color] [color=d69fa4]Other[/color]: [color=e5c3c6][i]Amber became Mica's greatest friend and confidant after her arrival, her perspective and morals reflecting his own in a place and time where neither were appreciated or respected. He accidentally convinced her to officially join the Gorgons, something she had been reluctant to do, but after having met him and realized he was slowly being smothered by his own family she took it upon herself to help and protect him, and in turn he promised to do the same for her.[/i][/color][/color][/hider]