[hr][hr] [center][img]https://blog.yourdesignjuice.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/dg-3DSci-Fi-Interior-nov2015-sic-fi-corridor.jpg[/img][/center] [center][hr][b]Location: Hera - UIC Space - Ralor's Bunker[/b][hr][/center] The two Aelon quietly make their way through the brightly lit hallways of the bunker, swiftly eliminating any and all opposition raised up against them, be it through their rifles or telekinesis. Eventually they make their way deeper into the facility, until finally arriving at a thick blast door with an intercom directly to the right of it, next to a hand scanner. Making sure the area is secure, the pair begin to inspect the door when the sound of static followed by a loud yet deep voice echoes from the intercom, drawing their attention. [color=tomato]"I see you fuckers finally caught up with me,"[/color] it said, the disgust in its tone plain to hear. Although it had been months since he'd fled, the two Enforcers could still remember the holovid of his trial and there was no mistaking the voice. It was Ralor. The man they'd been tasked with hunting down. "Listen to me Ralor," Issoth began, propping himself up against the reinforced door with his free hand. "You and I both know that you don't have the resources to keep evading us forever. Eventually we'll find you, and you'll have nothing left to throw at us." [color=tomato]"Maybe, maybe not. Either way, I don't plan on letting you dipshits drag me back to that prison. You want me to go with you, it's gonna have to be in a body bag."[/color] "That can be arranged," Qell remarked, drumming her fingers against the cold metal of her rifle. Issoth glanced back at her, and she merely shrugged, though he knew she was right. They could easily kill him if they needed to, and furthermore they'd be completely within their rights as well. No government within the cluster, save for the criminally oriented ones that is, actually gave a damn about what happened to this who broke their laws. If anything, Issoth knew many officials preferred particularly troublesome lawbreakers be executed simply because of the fact that it saved them credits and resources they'd have to spend otherwise on having to keeping inmates alive in some dank cell somewhere. Still, he preferred to come back with the target alive rather than dead. It was more a matter of upholding a reputation than anything else. Killing, after all, was easy. Capturing a heavily defended target who was also on the run without breaking so much as a sweat? Now that was [I]far[/I] more impressive. "Listen Ralor," Issoth went on, moving closer to the intercom. "You come back willingly and maybe we'll vouch for you. Get you a lighter sentence." Ralor scoffed. [color=tomato]"Has using the gates addled your mind Enforcer? Even if you did vouch for me, it wouldn't matter. It's fucking Raygon. I'll be lucky to get three years off my initial sentence with your involvement. That system they have doesn't care about the individual, and I learned that the hard way. Reason why I decided to use it to my own advantage. Look, in the end there's only one way this is going to go. Either I walk out of here alive, or you do."[/color] Issoth paused, nodding slowly, before responding. "You sure you want it to go down this way Ralor?" There was silence for a moment before his voice came through the intercom once more, this time accompanied by the sound of a firearm being cocked. Most likely an old kinetic variant still reliant on gunpowder or some other such explosive compound. [color=tomato]"Yeah,"[/color] he said, his tone grim. [color=tomato]"Hope you got a good trigger finger lawman."[/color] Issoth couldn't help but smirk underneath his helmet. Despite the grim business they were about to get into, he couldn't help but be impressed at the man's confidence. For Ralor had been confident before shutting off the intercom. Issoth could hear it in his voice, a last minute show of cockiness in the face of certain death. Granted the bastard was scum, but at least when it came down to final stands he had some balls. Still... that wouldn't save him. Motioning to Qell, Issoth met her gaze for a bit as they both placed their hands flat against the door and summoned up as much telekinetic energy as they could and channeled it into the barrier, blowing the steel obstruction out of its frame. Moving in, the two engaged Ralor in a brief yet vicious firefight, before extracting his corpse and making their way back to the surface. From there the two Adjudicators returned to their ships, their target in tow, and began the long voyage back to Raygon.