[@webboysurf] I don't see anything off hand that requires tending to. [@Arthanus] Personally feel that there could be a bit more to the limitations, but I'm not too firm on it. To both of you, I do feel that a little more could be done in some areas like personality and the appearance section, but I'm not going to require it, just ask that maybe put some thought into it going forward. For now though, you are both approved to put your characters in the characters tab. Almost forgot to ping you [@Lord Shaxx] as well. I do like the concept of the character so far and am looking forward to seeing the finished product, though should note that Coruscant is in ruins and they likely would not have lingered there. If you're wanting to keep the House Viszla connection I would suggest either Concordia or Mandalore, but if you are preferring a more ecumenopolis world for him to start on in his background then Taris works perfectly as it was an early supporter of the Mandalorian Republic. Either way, I'll be sending a PM your way with a discord invite.