[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191025/4a57f6f0ef968b939deecd8cee547dd8.png[/img][/center] [@BrutalBx] Nzige looked on in interest as Theo displayed some of his contraptions, being quite used to the small mechanical knick-knacks of her mentor, Princess Shuri. Realizing Theo was giving her the Wakandan salute, Ziggy hurriedly brought her hands up to return the gesture, surprised to be using it here. It was somewhat nice to know that the culture of her home was spreading throughout the world. As he explained that he was heading out to get something to eat, Ziggy let him know that she'll just be here, unpacking, now that they've more-or-less divvied up their respected spaces. Granted Ziggy didn't have much to unpack, given that she preferred to live out of her luggage case since it was quite organized and everything was accessible. She also didn't have such a massive nor high-maintenance wardrobe that she needed to hang up a lot of articles of clothing. Ziggy was also not very artistically creative nor self-expressive, and had very little demands when it came to decoration, though she did have a small plaque of Arabic calligraphy with Quranic verses that her father believed warded off jinns. Though Nzige did wear the hijab, Theo didn't really mention it. Ziggy was unsure how he would feel if she put this plaque up. Her father had warned her that in the Western world, Islam was reviled at worst, and seen as strange and foreign at best. Considering Theo was American, and likely from New York...Nzige put the plaque back in her trunk. She would try to broach the topic with Theo at a later date. She hoped he would be tolerant, after all, Ms. Marvel was doing an amazing job presenting Islam and Muslims in a positive light. [hr] [@Th3King0fChaos] Having done all she wanted for now, Ziggy stepped out of her room and into the 1A common area, to notice a fairly large fellow student taking up space. There didn't seem to be anyone around; the other students of 1A must either still have been in their rooms getting sorted, hadn't arrived yet, or like Theo, had gone out to explore the rest of campus. She wanted to check out the amenities, but felt it would be rude not to introduce herself to a fellow classmate. [color=ffff00]"H-hey, you're also in 1A, right? Peace be upon you, my name is Nzige Nyenje, from Wakanda, but I go by Ziggy."[/color]