[hider=Ana Banana] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/652055731205439499/652322895674212362/anannaa.PNG[/img] [h1]Ana Moore[/h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r509rJQK6yA]ッ[/url] [color=ffc8f9][h3]The Basics[/h3][/color] [color=ffc8f9]N A M E[/color] [indent]Ana Lee Moore[/indent] [color=ffc8f9]A G E[/color] [indent]18[/indent] [color=ffc8f9]B I R T H D A Y[/color] [indent]Summer, Day 4[/indent] [color=ffc8f9]G E N D E R[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=ffc8f9]O C C U P A T I O N[/color] [indent]She just moved in, so she has yet to find any kind of job[/indent] [color=ffc8f9][h3]The Human Being[/h3][/color] [color=ffc8f9]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/color] [indent]Sensitive Kind Hot-tempered Childish Klutzy [s]Stupid around cute girls[/s] [/indent] [color=ffc8f9]F A V O R I T E S E A S O N[/color] [indent]Winter. It's cozy[/indent] [color=ffc8f9]F A V O R I T E C O L O R[/color] [indent]Reds and pinks, but she's not like, picky about it.[/indent] [color=ffc8f9]F A V O R I T E F O O D[/color] [indent]Her step-dad's pancakes. They are absolutely [i]amazing![/i] And super fluffy![/indent] [color=ffc8f9]L I K E S[/color] [indent]Dogs Snow Nice people [s]Pretty girls[/s] [/indent] [color=ffc8f9]D I S L I K E S[/color] [indent]Summer heat Assholes Alcohol Rats [/indent] [color=ffc8f9]D O Y O U B E L I E V E I N M A G I C ? [/color] [indent]She hasn't really [i]seen[/i] any evidence of it, but she's open-minded![/indent] [color=ffc8f9][h3]The Personal Life[/h3][/color] [color=ffc8f9]F A M I L Y M E M B E R S[/color] [indent]Percy Moore: Her very loving [s]and smothering[/s] dad. Laura Moore: Her mom Zach Young: Her step-dad[/indent] [color=ffc8f9]A N I M A L F R I E N D S[/color] [indent]She [i]wishes[/i]..[/indent] [color=ffc8f9]H O M E L I F E[/color] [indent]Spot #1 on the map. Her dad had helped her pick the spot - saying that it was a nice little town and she really likes the big, fenced in backyard. Perfect for [i]potential puppy pals![/i] Other than that, her house is kind of sparse. She didn't pack a lot for the trip. Clothes, her bedstuff, some kitchen- and dinner-ware, her childhood stuffed rabbit - er, wait, you weren't supposed to [i]know[/i] that last one! [/indent] [color=ffc8f9]S T O R Y[/color] [indent]To keep it very simple and brief, she's a child of divorce - and she can [i]sort of[/i] understand why. Like, her dad is very quiet, introverted, and overthinks a lot - [i]a lot[/i] a lot; and her mother is very extroverted, a thrill seeker, and the two of them have gotten lost in [i]pretty scary[/i] places plenty of times. They both loved her and kept her safe, and that's really all Ana could ask for. But enough about them, this isn't about them. It's about Ana, and Ana moved out to forge her own path! Even if it's, uh, a little scary. She's never really been [i]alone[/i] like this before, but she's willing to give it a go.[/indent] [/hider] idk, yeet.