"Oh yeah." Shortfang said quietly. "Forgot that. Maybe adventures take us lotta places." Clasping her hands together Pylia continued to think about their options. "Still, even if we leave Gransys after we deliver our message to the duke, he's not due until what, twelve more days or so? Give or take. If nothing else, we'll need to book rooms for us for more than just a few days in advance. Not to mention there's no certainty of what exactly will happen after we speak to the duke. After all even if we warn them about the dragon, we may need to stay in town in order to research how to get you... I mean... I know... Ah..." Pylia seemed to quieten down as she thought more about the situation. Looking to Buddy and Shortfang, Pylia leaned closer to you and whispered into your ear. "I don't think we've ever told Buddy or Shortfang about your... Origins. I know this dragon business is why we came to Gransys, but I don't think the others know why exactly you're looking into it."