[i][@Ladypug] After reading your CS, I find it very charming! Your music was very fun and fitting of a sweet baby. I am happy with how she turned out! You are accepted. Fair enough for the newcomer, hopefully can expand on her once she finds her place. I will update everything to reflect this. [@Lightning Fast] Oh that poor baby boy. Your music was also really fitting for him! Really like your idea of the forest shrines, and talked with you about it already! Loved your incorporation with BigCo and how it personally took toll on your family so far. Feel free to make your NPC family member and place in the discord's npc area. Fantastic character! Glad to have you, and curious to see what happens with him next. Accepted and will update information to reflect this. [@Kuro] After reading your submission, first impressions are great. Loved your postmaster idea, that will be fun! It made me laugh that she dislikes ducks, for some reason. :lol Well thought about backstory and the like. Feel free to make your NPC family members and place in the discord npc area. Excited to see what happens to you and yours- Accepted and will update information to reflect this! [@Yankee][@Howilng Zinogre][@Summers] Great starts, let me know once you are finished for complete review![/i] [hr] [i] If I missed [u][b]ANYONE[/b][/u]- I am sorry in advance! Please let me know immediately and I'll get to it.[/i]