[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations [/color][/centre][/h3] [b] Flying, Fencing and random encounters[/b] [b]Victoria [sub]Lady De Winter[/sub](Coffee Pot)[/b] Victoria placed an order while Charles talked and managed to find her loyalty card buried in her hand bags lower layers of history and archaeology that made up her hand bag. Too many things... Way too many things in a space that should not be able to contain them. A hot chocolate, one coffee and some pastries ordered for a light brunch, urgh. Tipping why did they not just pay people, what was with the having to do all the maths too.. double work. Annoying. [i][color=fff79a]"Yep, Londoner, rather different area to Victoria though. Oh Chelsea. No one's perfect sadly... Chelsea..., Arsenal fan. Season ticket and all, been a Gunners fan since I could attend games on someone's lap. Our Raven haired sweet toothed companion prefers Ice hockey, especially from her expression."[/color][/i] Victoria shook her head, men and there sports kicking balls around a field and falling over at the lightest injury and tap. Even hand egg, no.. American Football had to be better option in her opinion. [i][color=6ecff6]"Well met Ryan, we all hide things. I'm not upset, you hardly lied out of spite or harm and I keep quite a few secrets to protect my family and friends. True, but your food was amazing head chef or junior prep chef. I hope my opinion helped you update your layout and make it more friendly to everyone. Hey... Just because I dislike men rolling about on Grass over love taps. Dad always took me to ice hockey when home, it was fun. Been a favourite for years."[/color][/i] Smiling at happy memories, they went, had junk food and it was just nice having her dad about when he was away on average 6 months of the year. [i][color=6ecff6]"I've not forgotten your kind offer of Culinary champion of Sol City, Thankyou. I'll be in touch, or if you ever need computer related, I can waive most of my rather expensive fees for a friend. Should...have a card somewhere"[/color][/i] Digging out a small card wallet with a few misc cards in before finding one and handwriting an extra number on the back "Lady De Winter - Coding and security" with a fairly simple design on thick card, between digging out everything else including crackers, a lipstick, a hair brush and a charity pen from the Cluthu Cultists alongside a plush mascot they were giving out on the way here. [i][color=fff79a]"Japanese, come on Vika. Not had decent Japanese in ages... blood sports but of course oh gentle lady of the South. Cthulhu cultists in PR campaigns. What is going on in this city? The flight over I saw a Criminal Cephalopodic Crime wave with awful music taste."[/color][/i] Earning a rather half hearted glare and stealing his little biscuit on the arriving drinks order with a little smirk. [i][color=6ecff6]"Not blood sports... Just more physical. Grampa Max is over soon... Who knows. Cthulhu makes more sense than half of Sol City...and they have cute plush mascots."[/color][/i] Well that should not be true but hey, Sol City made as much sense as ... Well Sol made no sense. Nothing here could be considered Boring... Grampa Max, also known as a CEO, but family was everything to them and the attitude was rather infectious especially how Maria had helped her out recently. Giving a cheerful wave once he had his own coffee and was messaging someone else, not minding Ryan's interruptions. Least with an old friend over for a short while, family coming and people she trusted about life felt more dealable even if her situation was rather complicated nowadays. [@KillBox]