Kaleeth was quick to lose any focus as to what the others were saying. Being that her beast was not one with pack instincts, she was not one to wait long to eat, nor to abandon her feast once she began. Meesei, on the other hand, only ate a small amount, including the heart itself, before stepping back and allowing the others to join in. Since she had no need to satisfy her beast spirit, she did so more out of custom. "I doubt we are the first mortals to hunt here." Ahnasha commented, just before moving in beside Lorag to sink her teeth into their prey, once she was allowed to do so. Although, it did take a while for her to elaborate. It was during hunts, and especially consuming the kill, that she most often allowed her beast spirit to freely influence her thoughts and actions. As such, it took a few minutes of allowing it to eat before her cluttered thoughts returned back to the topic. "I remember, even long ago, reading stories of mortals who had the honor of hunting in Hircine's plane. Back when I was first learning about Hircine. I guess it's hard to say if they were [i]just[/i] stories, though. It's still something I've dreamed of doing since I was a child." Lorag gave only a quick moment to speak. "Hmph, I just want to know if there's something bigger to kill."