[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uurhDHh.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/HtvPRRx.png[/img][/center] How Clair had scaled up to the upper levels of the Dangeki was anyone’s guess, but maybe it was indication her tail wasn’t just for show. Either way, the girl who spent her time observing everyone was only mildly surprised once someone finally noticed her. Blinking away the confusion, she eyed up Clair evenly before her sights landed on the extended hand. Well, she was definitely no redhead, but she wasn’t about to deny a potential ally either. [color=indianred]“Katie. You can call me Katie,”[/color] the girl responded, matching Clair’s grin with her own smirk as she shook the fox’s hand. [color=indianred]“You know, I thought you weren’t supposed to take candy from strangers, let alone invitations. Besides, you wouldn’t want someone like me tagging around. I like to move at my own pace,”[/color] Katie said. Case in point, Clair’s group was already heading towards the open passageway and into the new world. [color=indianred]“You’ll see me around then, Clair. Probably,”[/color] Katie called out as the group was swallowed up out of the Dangeki’s borders and into the new world. Within the plane bathed in shadows and neon light itself, the groups were sorted and divided into their own clusters. While one was busy being interrogated by the judging eyes of what was perhaps a local of the world, the other was swiftly finding the sound of sirens getting closer and closer. From Caprice’s vantage point, she could see what looked like hovering police cars speeding out through the many streets and roads of the grand night metropolis. Quite a few were actually headed towards them and it wasn’t long before- [b]“Halt! State your ID and level of criminal intent.”[/b] In next to no time, one of the patrol cars had zeroed in on them as if following a trace. The harsh, robotic-sounding voice emanated from one of the metallic kind, an [url=https://i.imgur.com/rbz2Gnq.jpg]artificial sentry[/url] stepping out of the car and looking down the group with inhuman intent. [b]“Isn’t it a bit early for you kids to start partying? You could at least wait for the rest of the schools to let out.”[/b] [color=f26522]“Oh let em party, you party pooper,”[/color] came another resident voice. By the exaggerated whirring of a robotic sigh, it was probably a well-known delinquent too. Indeed, the robot sentry didn’t seem surprised as it looked up at the building closest to the right of the alleyway. There sitting on its rooftop edge was a beaming [url=https://i.imgur.com/K9Ujg8K.jpg]girl[/url], all smiles for the group of Takara, Caprice, Lin and Akiko. [color=f26522]“Where’s your sense of youth? Your carefree, unending burnth of a spirit? I know it’s hard for you robots to really understand, but that’s why I’m here! The Rampaging Tiger of Love and Passion, Itsuko baby! And if I say let the wilds run, then let them run!”[/color] The robotic sentry ignored her ramblings. [hr]