[hider=Casper Martins] name: Casper Martins Alias: Cardnial Gender: Male Age(18-22 Please): 22 Looks: stuff not in the pic: [hider=Looks] [img]https://tattoosat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Boy-Tattoos-12.jpg[/img](minus the twenty one face tat) [/hider] Occupation: Motocross racer Personality: Casper is somewhat socially awkward around people he does not know. He can't seem to ever gather the courage to speak to them, but once he is on the motocross track though he seems to have a personality change. Becoming more alive and vibrant during the hours leading up to the race and the hours after. Even if he losses he is still just stoked to race, with his friends he is very much the same as before a race , vibrant , talkative etc. If someone does break through or get along with his awkwardness and befriend him then Casper is fairly loyal and will usually try to help his friends if he can and usually doesn't hold anything against them for very long. Backstory: Born and raised in Long beach Casper grew up on " better " side of town. Living in a fairly well off middle class family Casper's home life and childhood was fairly normal . He went to the local high school ,but while all of his friends played sports or competed in academic triathlons Casper watched the motocross races sometimes even ditching school to see them. When he was at school Casper took the mechanics and automotive classes they had available. Taking the classes sort of allowed him to earn his start as a racer as he volunteered to work on the bikes of some local racers. Once he turned sixteen and got his licence and even a bit before then Casper started to practice racing. Casper lied about his age to race which was a very difficult task for him . Once he turned eighteen Casper decided to leave long beach to the dismay of his parents. Racing in a few other states and even at a international contest Casper decided to come back to longbeach once he was halfway through his twentieth year. Racing professionally at long beach for two years Casper reconnected with old friends and made new ones and so far has been living a pretty normal life though that's about to change. Skills/Weapons: Caspers main skill is riding dirtbikes and other motorcycles but he is the best with dirtbikes. He is able to jump , flip and all of that fancy stuff. Casper is also a semi decent mechanic as he works on his bikes in his spare time so he can fix up most motor vehicles . Other than that Casper is fairly normal not having a significant amount of fighting knowledge or anything like that though he does carry a pocket knife for protection. Other: Casper almost always wears his jersey over his shirt [hider=his jersey] [img]https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/248/9086/10h/s7d2.scene7.com/is/image/FoxRacing/24384001_2?$dw_pm1$[/img] [/hider] The crime Casper experiences is fairly simple , his favorite bike was stolen along with a couple of tools as well as a radio. [/hider]