[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9gdyIsr.jpg[/img][/center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] By blessing or curse, the Horde’s instincts to push the online players to one location had effectively worked. Members of each of the three colored Factions found themselves bumping into each other more than they would have liked. But given the obvious circumstances of their situation, none of them were prone to complain when the Horde proved to be harder than any of them expected. For the Scorchers, it was especially discouraging to learn that their Deputy had fallen in battle, though not for the reasons they thought. Of course, with more people pinned in one location, that meant more firepower to bring in said location. Even as Black Cat found the hallways filled with roaming and armored corpses, it wasn’t long before resulting fire from just beyond their sights paved somewhat of a way through. That was because the lower floors of the building were nearly chaos, players fending for themselves while some huddled as one blob to fend back the encroaching Horde. Scorchers, Guardians, and Crusaders alike bustled about while the Horde moved in their alien, sporadic fashion. By the time Black Cat’s would-be companion caught up with him, the Horde that scaled the building in true undead fashion had already taken over Ranger’s former perch. It wouldn’t be long then before the rest of the gathered players were scissored off by an attack from below and above. The last bastion of their salvation had somehow become their tomb. Only the players who were really paying attention-which was far and in between given the frantic shooting-would note that the set timer for the new game mode was about to run out. After all, it was only a trial period to test out the new HGO mechanics. All everyone had to do now was just survive a little longer and they’d be rewarded with a survival bonus. Even so, all sorts of events could happen in the span of a single minute. [hr]