[hider=][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Lady Selune][/hider] [hr][hr] [hr][hr] [center][h2] Matthew [/h2][/center] "Great. Wasn't checking ID kid, get in the car." She pulled open the driver door and started getting into the vehicle. "We don't have long, these jobs are always tight. We're already a couple minutes behind schedule, and I don't like that at all." The more Matt heard her speak, the more apparent her accent is - though it's still hardly clear. It was Latina, that's for sure, but Matthew doesn't know nearly enough to hazard a guess at anything more specific than 'she probably speaks Spanish'. As he got into the car, she finished tying her hair back and tweaked key in the ignition. The engine practically groaned in protest as it nevertheless came to life and the car began to move. "Name's Mira." She said matter of factly, looking over her shoulder to reverse the car out of the alley. "I hear you're quite the wheelman. Might be that you end up having to take the wheel if we get followed. Think you can handle that?" The car broke from the cover of the alley and into the dark embrace of the night, lit sporadically by fires and blue lights, most of which were easy enough to avoid - at least for the time being. One step closer to safety, one step further from the life Matthew'd had. [hr][hr] [center][h2] Siobhan [/h2][/center] Wordlessly, Ana starts the engine on the car, and the pair of you peel out into the streets. Flight and fleeing are not unfamiliar sensations for Siobhan - albeit, they are usually done under different circumstances - but Ana seems nervous, tense even. Her knuckles are almost white around the steering wheel, she changes gear too sharply, and her breathing is a little fast. She might be new to this. In a way, you are too. Just not like her. The streetlights were cut on the 2nd of January, as per EMDA protocols, in order to limit unofficial activity on the streets. The police still have floodlights on their cars of course, so the night isn't entirely black - and there is always the Moon - but what is more worrying is that the EMDA haven't had to use torches at all, and they've remained completely unimpeded. It makes them difficult to see coming, and harder to fight once they're here. After about fifteen minutes of very cautious driving, Ana finally speaks. "Are you doing ok?" She sounds genuinely concerned, "I know I wouldn't be. You've got some steel in you if you're not panicking."