[h2][center]Gillian[/center][/h2] Gillian bit into his apple again, eyeing the little Lordling, starting to question how much lee way his position as a Living Reliquary gave him. He decided that eschewing social convention and slapping the little fucker probably wasn't in his wheel house for the moment. Still, the bastard was putting the screws to the minicaptain, and he was starting to doubt the girl even knew it. It annoyed him, even if he silently agreed that the girl had no right to her position. But it was different. He'd have to follow orders. He had a stake in the Rose's and what good they could or couldn't do with this child at the helm. He would live and possibly die on her decisions. This...outsider. He had earned none of that right to question. [color=00aeef]"Who cares?"[/color] Gillian said bluntly, pointedly looking at Fanlily. [color=00aeef]"Saint's nothing more than a fancy title with a little divine backing. Living Reliquary is much the same."[/color] He said clearly and evenly, trying to pick his words carefully as he skirted some quasi-heretical dismissal of Sainthood. [color=00aeef]"But you wanna know a secret I've learned?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"When you might die and someone saves you a bandit is as good as a Saint. It doesn't really matter what you were before..."[/color] he adds, taking a bite of his apple once more, munching as he continues. [color=00aeef]"You just ARE the person who stuck their neck out for them. Elionne ain't special in that regard. Never was."[/color] Gill unceremoniously drops the half eaten apple onto a plate, seemingly finished with it. [color=00aeef]"And while I didn't know the woman, I can't really imagined she'd care much for things like caliber or worthiness. Can't exactly use either to protect anyone but yourself."[/color]