[CENTER]ONE-HUNDRED FIFTY KILOMETERS NORTH-NORTHEAST, CITY OF PANGU[/CENTER] [COLOR=DDA0DD][B]"...ing is in order, Master. We are about to activate them now. Agreed, we cannot have another mishap like in the former capital. Yes. I understand. Lieutenant, inform the thaumaturges that they may proceed. Yes, master. We will be heading to the northeastern coast next. No issues to report, no. Understood, master. The war against Pangu Prefecture will no doubt be bloody enough to achieve our goal, especially since the elements of surprise and overwhelming force are on our side. Once the orbs are detonated, their forces and any resistances outside of the Tepet and Cynis legions will be in complete disarray. The western front is reinforced heavily. No survivors will get past them. Understood. Yes, master. We will not fail. I thank you for your concern, but I am fine."[/B][/COLOR] Cackling Harlot stepped away from a strange device that looked like a bowl of liquified soulsteel and looked to the sky for a moment before whispering [COLOR=DDA0DD][B]"I have to be. For the sake of this world and everyone left alive in it."[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER]BACK IN THE VILLAGE OF DRAGON'S GATE[/CENTER] The night was going smoothly. Fergus had eaten a DOUBLE helping of the fritters and split an order of the turnips, rice, and sauce with his fellow survivors. It was now that he said they should talk to the mayor of the town and inform him or her of what brought them here. The sharp-eared tavern owner overheard the lawyer and informed them that "Master Hsu" would likely be at the docks in the morning. It seemed he always liked to inspect the town's livelihood and make sure everyone was taking care of their boats. [B]"If you lot are gonna room here anyway, I'll let him know you mean to have a word with him when I go down to buy fish for the chowder tomorrow morning. Until then, make yerselves comfy."[/B] It wad always amazing what sort of changes a couple dozen yen caused in people. For Fergus, it was not much. For many working class, it was a week's wages. For an unlucky few, it was nearly a month's wages. Regardless, he was glad his resources had come in handy. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"Right, then. I'm going to go see a man about some proper weapons. This little thing might dissuade a cutpurse, but it'd be no real help if I ever ran afoul of a brigand or pirate or what have you. I'll be back."[/B][/COLOR] As he turned to leave, Axley grabbed Fergus by the arm and "asked" him to have her sword repaired or reforged or otherwise made combat-ready in some way. The look on her face said "this is not a request..." continuing to keep up appearances of being a friendly and well-mannered man despite his frustration with Axley's previous refusal to accept his charity, Fergus smiled and nodded as he took her weapon. On his way out, Fergus handed the tavern owner's daughter two yen for her lovely flute playing. A few minutes of walking led Fergus to the smoke of the smithy. Not surprisingly, it was next to the local stables. Horses needed to be properly shoed, farm tools needed repairs, and so on. Fergus headed up to the door just as a muscular young man was coming out. [B]"Oh. Hello sir. Welcome to the Amaranth Stables and Smithy. I'm Gareth. I help my father run the place. Looking for... hmm... weapons and armor, I take it?"[/B] Before Fergus could ask how he knew, the young man continued. [B]"You're clearly not a farmer, and you have no horse with you that I can see. Not much other reason to visit other than weapons or armor. So what can I get for you?"[/B] Fergus smiled. This young man was a smart one. He would go far in his trade, so long as he managed to survive the war. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"I need a pair of swords, a couple handaxes, a spear or halberd, and a shortbow if you happen to have any. I know you can't make any armor on short notice, though. So we will have to manage without for now."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"I'll have to make one of the swords, but it'll be ready by morning. As for the bow? We have one. It's a lovely piece, hand-crafted by an Exalt from House Cathak before the war. His wife had been a tournament archer, who died in a terrible accident during an event she was participating in. He gifted one of his masterworks to our mayor, who gave it to my father in recognition of his contributions to our town. I can't sell it."[/B] Again, the young blacksmith interrupted Fergus just as he was about to speak. [B]"I'm just pulling your leg, sir. It's a nice piece, for certain. But it's just a simple yew bow that I reinforced with a couple strips of metal for extra oomph when you let your arrow fly. Plus it hurts more if you hit a guy with it. And yes, I can indeed sell it."[/B] Laughter was unavoidable. Fergus had to admit, the young man had a great sense of humor. And so they went about working on an acceptable price for the weapons Fergus intended to purchase for the group.