Eliezer relaxed at her touch. He had come out to speak to her for a couple of reasons, reasons he felt were justified. The only thing he would have regretted at this point was if she would have found happiness after leaving tonight, but to stay was her decision, and it offered him some relief that how it had all turned out was not completely on him. She mentioned that she did not know how he truly felt about her, and that led him to believe that his actions and words so far were still not sufficient to give her a clear picture. It was understandable, since he often questioned his own feelings for her. He was aware that he was currently trusting her out of obligation, because he thought that he owed it to her. How was he to genuinely trust anyone again, after learning that the person whom he had trusted the most his entire life had secretly wanted to betray him the whole time? It was not that Raven had not kept anything from him until she had been forced to admit it either, but she had truly grown fond of him, and had just been afraid to lose him, had she not? He moved one of his hands away from her shoulder, wrapping his fingers around the wrist of her hand that was touching his face. "Forgive me if my love for you still seems... hesitant. I am at a loss as to how to satisfy you in this area, no matter how much I desire to. For now, I can only tell you this - that I want you in my life, that I believe you are wonderful, and that I deeply appreciate everything that you have done for me, and for what we have together. Regardless of what shall happen after I reveal your origins to you, I am grateful for all that has happened as a result of our meeting. My lady, there is evidence to prove that you are actually-" Suddenly hearing a voice, Eliezer leaped back, his hand immediately flying to the grip of his own sword at his waist. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Shadow, silently wishing that the assassin would ease up on the jump scares. The three swiftly made their way back to the estate, entering through the same opening they had left by. Hildebrand was waiting for them by the door, and locked it as soon as they were inside. The group then snuck back into the private sitting room near Eliezer's guest room, and only then was it safe for them to converse. Eliezer turned to Shadow. "Were there any occurrences during our absence? Are Lady Nemes and her family safe?" Hildebrand glanced at the assassin anxiously as he anticipated his response to the prince, already having been told about what had taken place while they had been gone.