[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FjVCFoQ.png[/img][/center] [center][color=cyan][h2]Etoile[/h2] [/color] ---[/center] Etoile took a deeeeep breath as Zestasia continued...being Zestasia, and Pythia went off on him. She rolled her eyes. "[color=cyan]Sparky, settle down. If he wants to eat it, let him. It can't make him any dumber. Maybe he'll die, but I mean...that's probably going to make him smarter, honestly.[/color]" She stabbed her finger down on the center of the diagram. "[color=cyan]I was never very good at finding magic other than mine; I used to have other people to do that for me. I'm a bit too rigid with magic to let it flow right. I rather like the idea of drawing the magi out, but we need something valuable and important.[/color]" She started looking around the group, looking for something that would be important enough: [i][color=cyan]Nothing on Clara, mostly just clothes and traveling supplies. Same goes for Zestasia. I don't know enough about Lazulin to say if he has anything...and I don't know how much I actually trust him. Pagonia and Sparky have those swords. That's something. I wonder...[/color][/i] She stood up, walking over to Pagonia and poking at the sword. She wasn't particularly good at tracking magic, but she could still generally feel it. There was a spark from the sword as the touched it, but not a big one. There was some magic, to be sure, but she didn't know if the sword itself was magic, or rather if there had been enough magic used [i]on[/i] the sword to give it some ambient stuff on its own. Then she touched Pythia's sword, and swore a bit. There was...a [i]lot[/i] of magic in the sword. She couldn't quite tell what kind of magic--she sighed at her lack of knowledge in this kind of stuff, despite how learned she was in magical structure and theory--but it was absolutely LAYERED with enchantments. She stepped back, giving Pythia a look. "[color=cyan]Hey, Sparky. How willing are you to put that sword up for a minute?[/color]"