[center][h1][color=0072bc]Salem Vicarious, Lord of Lost Things[/color][/h1][/center] Rodias' announcement that the other Sable Lords were missing came as a significant shock to Salem. Salem's creator had already been missing for a while so one would think that the announcement would have a lesser impact on Salem, however, Salem interpreted the sudden disappearance as a willful act of abandonment, reminding Salem of it's own loss. Various knick-knacks in the room rattled in place as Salem telekinetically reached out, wanting to throw a tantrum and upturn the room in chaotic betrayal. But the items stopped rattling as a cold, jaded rationale settled upon the doll while a disgusting smirk crept across Salem's face. Being invited to the table, a mischievous thought entered Salem's head. If being a 'good boy' and waiting for Dr.Drd to return had not worked, then perhaps the only way to get the attention of their fickle Sable Lords was to act out. Salem hovered over, finding Dr.Drd's seat that had been empty for so long. Salem then plopped down into the chair in an irreverent and disrespectful pose, with Salem's knees draped over one armrest, while Salem's elbow sat on the other, the arm propping up the doll's head. Besides, without the other Sable Lords, it only stood to reason that the Chapter Keepers took up leadership positions at the table to keep the Chateau running. If obedience was not enough to warrant their creators' attention and praise, perhaps open rebellion and impudence would get them to come back. However, Salem was shaken out of this pose by Rodias humbling himself to the Chapter Keepers. At first Salem felt disgust, and it showed on the doll's face. The hierarchy had always been absolute. According to Salem, the Sable Lords obviously didn't rule with love, so they had to rule with power. It disgusted Salem that Rodias would show weakness in front of all the Chapter Keepers instead of taking responsibility as a [s]parent[/s] leader and at least projecting the illusion of stability. Salem was about to lift Dr.Drd's chair off the ground and smash it over Rodias' head in a fit of rage before Rodias swore that he would never abandon them, causing Salem instead to sink into the chair limply. For the rest of the conversation, Salem sat there in silence, the doll's elbows on the table, Salem's face buried in its palms, trying to get its act together. Many of Salem's axioms had been violated, yet it came with a strange relief. Salem also had to come to terms with the fact that no amount of waiting would ever bring Dr.Drd back. Salem wasn't ready to swear fealty to Rodias just yet, but they weren't going to oppose him in any way either. Instead they would continue to play the part of the precocious toy as a front while sorting out their own thoughts. Salem listened as Rodias explained the situation, confirming the doll's own observations from telekinetic eyes placed outside the castle. Several options were given for how to deal with the nearby village, few of which pleased Salem. [color=0072bc]"If we want to acquire as much information while revealing as little about ourselves, the best option is infiltration,"[/color] Salem offered, [color=0072bc]"Ashara has a human form, and I look enough like a human child, that it only makes sense that the two of us go into the town disguised as siblings, mingle with the townsfolk, and find out as much as we can, while gauging their reaction to the sudden appearance of the castle. Isn't that right, sister?"[/color] Salem turned their head in an uncanny rotation, to smile at the busty fox.