[center][h2] Rory Fett [/h2][/center] I watch the Republic troops retreating. “Looks like we beat them back. At least for now. Something tells me they’re only making a tactical withdrawal to lick their wounds. They’ll be back. Until Mand’alor has the Chancellor’s head on a spike, they’ll keep coming. But we’ll be ready.” [center][h2] Becca Twilight [/h2][/center] I make it to the stairwell and immediately hear the sounds of combat. I peer over the railing to see several dead Mandalorians. Those who remain are locked in close combat with a trio of dangerous looking droids. Among the living is, thankfully, Hunter. Activating my lightsaber, I launch myself over the railing and land between the Mandos and the droids. “Thought you could use a hand.” I notice an immediate response from the droids, almost like they are excited to face a lightsaber wielding enemy. But, of course, that is what they were programmed for. I would be sure not to disappoint them.