[@Sigma] Hey there! May I ask a question or two about this RP, if that is ok? Just looking around the site this holiday season, thinking about things so i don't join too many RPs on an impulse, and trying to sate the curiosity i have about this RP! :D 1. What's the, ah, general situation in-RP as of current times? Is there a lot of war? Internal civil strife? etc. 2. Would a race based on something like the Valkyria from the Valkyria Chronicles series be potentially acceptable? Aka: A race who exerts great power when exposed to a particularly unique mineral on their homeworld, or something of the sorts, perhaps? Just to get a feel of what kinds of things you would, or would not, accept. 3. Any sort of nations, or races, or such you feel the RP would need..or otherwise better suit it currently? :) Thank You for your time, and i hope to hear back soon! Ah, if that is ok i mean. ^^;