"I'm not suggesting recruiting mercenaries," Solae said slowly, still hesitant and thoughtful about the proposition she was about to make. She was acutely aware that she had an unorthodox approach and mindset. While she trusted Rene implicitly, and did not doubt either his virtue or loyalty, she knew that he would not be treading farther away from societal expectation without her lead. She did not envy the empress. Because of her position, she took on the responsibility of guiding the entire empire and must, even if she did not admit it to any of her citizens, occasionally stop and doubt her choices. The diplomat stayed her tongue for a moment. Her soldier would not follow her blindly but she wanted to quell the doubt in her heart that she was even voicing a dangerous notion. After the prolonged pause she finally continued. "Depending on how liberally we interpret the laws, rules, and regulations for the recruitment of troops in times of war, we might be able to create a force that is... not entirely human. There are people that Duke Tan won't recruit, Rene, people that he thinks are beneath him and wouldn't lower himself to appeal to. More than two Syshin would follow us to us to escape abuse, to gain some recognition, and fight for a chance at liberty. Veterans and spies might be coaxed out of retirement. Let's also not forget that all the destruction and death he's wrought will create enemies. Those who have lost their loved ones to him will jump at an opportunity to reap revenge." "Do you remember that sword from Lord Armon's?" she added as she stood and wandered the room, not quite pacing, but too excited at their prospects to stay still and sitting. Once they were traveling through space she'd be confined to less spacious quarters. She wanted to take advantage of this chance to stretch her legs and let her mind meander as her feet did. A superior at the embassy claimed that roaming through the building helped him think. Solae had doubted this at the time because the break room was his most frequent stop in such journeys. "It was of Kalderi make and origin. Historically they don't involve themselves with humanity, but if we can show signs of good faith for other races, we might be able to forge an alliance. At the very least it's worth trying." "But before we can do anything we need resources... and for you to recover. Making any plans now feels slightly moot since we have limited space on the [i]Bonaventure[/i], we're on a world pre-disposed to working against us, one of us is severely wounded, and the other ill-equipped to handle much battle. We're a huge imposition on Ten but I'm not sure what else can be done except lay low until we find the means to leave," the duchess sighed. It was dispiriting to consider that their stature had been elevated but they were still rather helpless in the face of adversity. Not as much had changed with their respective appointments to give a tangible advantage. Titles were empty words until there were people to give them meaning. A count could be slain just as easily as a merchant during times of conflict. "Is it too late to just decide to get married and have a couple kids?" she asked only half-joking. "I think technically we can get married now that you're a colonel and I can absolutely guarantee there's a run down shack here that lets people under the influence get married for a nominal fee. Having a couple kids might be a little more complicated, but I'd be shocked if they didn't have a workaround for that as well, for those who want to do things the old-fashioned way." It was a wistful fantasy and not reality. Normally she would not advocate for domestic bliss, but she yearned for simpler times, for when she did not go to sleep at night worrying whether or not the only person left alive she loved would succumb to his injuries. Watching Rene had been harrowing. The first day she had sat by his side but then had been chased out when it became evident she was herself worsening. "I suppose it'd be poor form for a newly-appointed duchess to elope," Solae conceded before arriving at the bed and laying upon it. Her back was stiff from sitting at the desk for hours on end. Were she in the company of someone less incapacitated she might have felt she had a right to complain. Hiding her discomfort and turning on her side she shrugged. "What do you think we should do? You've the more tactical mind. What's the best way of extricating ourselves?"