[hider=OOC] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] The length of my posts usually range from three to five paragraphs. This really depends on what information is given in the RP, and the post from the last person. If requested, I can cut back on the size of my post and fit it to what is instructed. [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc? [/b] Collaborative posts are indeed something I enjoy being part of. I feel like it allows a more personal interaction between the two or three people who are posting. I also feel that it allows for more creative posts! [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] Grammar and depth of writing are very important to me. Without them, posts would be bland and at the very best, confusing. I do understand that not everyone has perfect grammar though, (Myself included) and depth of writing can be quite a challenge. I just want people to have fun and not really worry to much about making their posts perfect. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] I enjoy character growth and a solid story with plenty of interaction, including NPCS and other PC's. I feel interaction with the other players, sharing the world that you, or someone else has created is what makes RP so much fun. I am always open to trying new things as well! [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] I do enjoy some romance here and there, but anything more than that is a no go for me. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Please ask me directly in a private message if you would like to cause any damage to my character. I am fine with injuries, even severe ones. What I am [b]not[/b] okay with is character death, mutilation, or hard core torture. Also, mind control, as in force persuasion. As I said above, please come to me and ask if you would like to injure my character or have any questions. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] In time, I plan to have Aviza make new friends, forge new alliances, encounter worthy hostiles, overcome challenges, sharpen her skills, and prove herself not only a valued agent but also a respected member of the empire. It is my plan to build a believable and well rounded character that has a very solid background with plenty of experiences under her belt. [/hider] [hider=Imperial personnel files] [b] Name: Aviza Niskaru[/b] [b] Species: Human (Imperial)[/b] [b] Pureblood percentage: 33%[/b] [b] Homeworld: Dromund Kaas[/b] [b] Age: 30[/b] [b] Gender: Female[/b] [b] Military Branch: Imperial Intelligence[/b] [b] Rank: Agent / O-2 / Officer Rank 2[/b] [b] Unit/designation: Blackwing[/b] [b] Role/specialization: Operative/Sniper[/b] [b] Current place of Service: Dromund Kaas[/b] [b] Sphere of influence: Sphere of Imperial Intelligence[/b] [/hider] [hider=Imperial Intelligence Reports] [b]Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.[/b] [hider=Visual Identification]Commission is currently in the works.[/hider] While maintaining a strict military fitness schedule, Aviza keeps herself in top physical condition, though still has the slim and attractive female form that most other female soldiers retain. When not wearing her helmet, the first thing one would notice would be the color of her eyes, a very vibrant azure blue. She keeps her black hair short, and combed back away from her face as to not obstruct her vision. Due to her genetics, she is lucky enough to look a bit younger than her actual age, which has led to accounts of confusion in the past. She stands at roughly five feet and ten inches tall and has no piercings or tattoos of any kind. Her skin is a pale-ish rose type. When forced to wear a more casual outfit, she chooses a clean set of military fatigues, consisting of dark colors. [hider=Voice Identification][youtube]https://youtu.be/18PEQHZ4o5M[/youtube][/hider] [b]Report on skills and talents, including level of skill.[/b] Confidential reports have shown that Imperial Agent Aviza Niskaru's talents in manipulation, deception, and espionage have proven very effective upon Republic worlds, space stations, and here at home. While these are only a few of the talents she has shown expertise in, I believe more training is needed for her other skills that she lacks experience and knowledge in. Many of these are crucial parts of an Imperial Agents arsenal, and sharpening them will only be beneficial to not only her but also the Empire. An example would be her expertise in piloting combat spacecraft. While she may know this skill, she only knows the basics of ground vehicles. How did this come to happen? Do our instructors need to be reminded of how important their position is? Or should we just execute them all and start over? We must ensure her training is complete and her basic knowledge of these important skills are improved upon. [b][Basic][/b] Zero G non-ship combat and safety measures Knowledge of Statecraft and Governing Stealth tactics Improvised weapons Ground vehicle piloting [b][Intermediate][/b] Tactical Strategy Survival Skills Advanced First Aid Interrogation & Torture CQC [b][Expert][/b] Recon & Long Range Combat Demolition & Sabotage Information gathering Assassination Spaceship piloting and combat Manipulation & Deception [b]Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training.[/b] Aviza Niskaru's combat experience is quite the mix of highly classified, chaotic, and impressive accomplishments. Her training started like that of all other members of the Empire, nothing special or worth noting. What does interest me here is that apparently the instructors treated her much more harshly than the others. She must have pissed off the wrong person, which brings me to my next point. Her first few live combat experiences were trench-warfare upon dangerous, hellish landscapes. She surprised her higher ranking officers by living through the war, and eventually returned to Dromund Kaas, wanting to put her skills to better use. Not much here can be read, a lot of it is classified, even for us. What I can gather from the information that is blacked out, she swiftly enlisted to become an Imperial Agent, smart girl. While at the academe, she went through intensive training, sharpening her already impressive sniper skills and learning many others. No information about when she went on her first mission but there are a few here I can read about. One of her missions included gathering information about a republic Chancellor to use as blackmail I am guessing? It's blacked out here, have to fill in the gaps. Aviza Niskaru went a step forward and caused a full on riot by releasing the information to the general public. In the chaos of the riot, the chancellor was killed. I'm sure that shook up the republic, good for her for taking some initiative. [b]Report on role, specialization and responsibilities pertaining to the subject’s military deployment.[/b] Aviza Niskaru's role as an Imperial Agent has proven to be very beneficial for not only herself, but also the Empire. If she keeps on the path she is on, it is very likely she will be promoted and be sent on more delicate assignments. As an Imperial Agent, she has the responsibility to master the arts of infiltration, manipulation, deception, sabotage, seduction, and assassination to advance the Empire’s causes and to protect its people. Her specialization is mostly focused upon her sniper and assassination abilities but each of her other skills play a massive part in every mission and assignment she takes part in. [b]Report on political influence, personal property, associates and rivals.[/b] As of now, Aviza Niskaru's political influence is unknown. If she has been assigned to a Sith, she has chosen or has been ordered to withhold that information from Imperial Intelligence. We are forbidden from perusing this any further, and will allow her to inform us when the time comes. Known associates obviously include her fellow Imperial Agents and members of the Empire, who work closely with her as if a tightly knit family. Though each of use may be a different species with our own separate goals outside of the Empire, we greatly know and trust one another. This does not leave room for rivals, or at least any openly discussed or known rivals. It seems that we keep that to ourselves, since doing so would break relations. [i]Side Note[/i]: Aviza Niskaru has formed a friendly bond with Asra Lyn, a Special Requisitions & Acquisitions Agent, currently operating along the Perlimian Trade Route, based around Centares and The Wheel. Imperial Agent Aviza Niskaru's known and noteworthy personal property is as follows. Home: She owns a highly expensive and upgraded three story ultra-modern apartment upon the top of one of the towering living complexes here in Dromund Kaas. Nothing worth noting besides the fact that she clearly has enough credits to do whatever she wants with. Ship: Unlike most Imperial Agents, Aviza was given her own family's heavily customized Valkyrie SF-13 Multi-Role star ship, named the Exodus Black. Other Agents tend to scoff when hearing about her choice in star ship, but wise up shortly after learning about its heavy customization's and capabilities. I will admit, when I first saw the ship I was a bit taken aback by its size, and wondered how something that large could prove useful to an Imperial Agent, such as myself. She explained to me that the ship had belonged to her parents before it was handed over to her. It had seen countless battles and miraculously survived them all, or at least managed to return in one piece. I asked her what kind of ship it could be classified as, and she explained that it was a heavy gunship at one time, but over time it had many upgrades and personal customization's installed into it so that it essentially became a multi-role star-ship. While being given a personal tour of the ship, I noticed that while most of its interior was clean and sleek like other Imperial military space crafts, part of it had been refurbished to be quite luxurious. I inquired about why this had been added, and Aviza informed me that the idea had been in the original plans for the ship, but were never installed untill her parents had passed its ownership over to her. Aviza would not divulge much information about the space crafts specifics, forcing me to use my scanner upon her ship while she was absent from the hanger. What information I did gather, is interesting. The Exodus Black is heavily armored, it is quite maneuverable, has high capacity shields, and an impressive armament, but its shield recharge is delayed and the ship stands out greatly. Artifact collection: Its apparent that our Imperial Agent has side hobbies she enjoys while out on a mission or assignment. She has collections of artifacts that I will not name here, in highly secure displays and safes around her home. Some of these were clearly stolen, and she refuses to explain where most of these unique and occasionally concerning, artifacts come from. What stands out most in her collection, for me at least, are the black Kyber Crystals she has on display. I asked how she acquired these, but as I said above, she would not comment. Inquiring if I could acquire one of these Kyber Crystals was met with swift and stern denial. [b]Psychological evaluation of candidate.[/b] As an Imperial Agent, Aviza has a will of iron that is matched by her steadfast determination to thoroughly eliminate all hostiles and carry out her missions to the best of her abilities. Some may call her reckless, but in truth she carefully plans out each of her actions before swiftly putting them into motion, there is no room for mistakes upon the battlefield. She is selfless, honorable, and caring, while sometimes showing mercy to the enemy. She will assist those who are in need the most, if appropriate. At times, she can be unpredictable, using her creativity to overcome whatever challenges that are tossed her way. This does not mean she is a mindless drone though, following orders to the letter while acting like a brain-washed solider. She has a sharp sense of humor, and a bright personality that makes her quick to admire, alongside a silver-tongue and well trained social skills. When off duty, she is light hearted and enjoys life around the galaxy. [b]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/b] No one is perfect, not even the Sith, as much as they like to think so. Aviza Niskaru has her own troubles, some are minor, and others are more of a concern. Thankfully, all of these can be worked on and eliminated or at the very least suppressed. A common side effect of trench-warfare is PTSD, and that applies for even highly seasoned veterans. Aviza has very light PTSD but is thankfully fully suppressed from medication. Her meetings with a psychologist have also helped with her slight depression, which have also been fully suppressed. Unfortunately, she seems to let her morals and feelings get in the way of some of her actions. Torture is a good example here, while she has been trained in extracting information, she will fully refuse to engage in the more sadistic methods we have of drawing out information. It's not weakness, its her morals, and nothing we do seems to help with modifying them. While I know we are not meant to look to deeply into their personal lives, it is apparent that while she enjoys having many very close friends, there is a bit of what I would call anxiety when it comes to having anything more in a relationship. Perhaps that has to do with her position within the Empire, or something else? Blame my advanced psychological training for identifying this. [b]Known interests of the candidate.[/b] Most of Aviza Niskarus interests are nothing out of the ordinary or unique. She greatly enjoy piloting ground vehicles and star ships of almost every kind she is allowed to interact with. Enjoyment is also found in spending time with her family and friends, which is expected. Her talents in the culinary arts and performing music, actually spur from her enjoyment of doing such things. She can create some of the best food and drinks I have ever had the opportunity to experience, which is saying a lot. I found out that she also enjoys friendly teasing, she does have a sharp sense of humor after all. Her other interests range from target practice, reading, all sorts of video games, listening to music. Honesty, there are to many to list, and I should reach out to her again shortly to have her list more interests. The only two concerns I have about her interests are the fact that she is quite curious about what I consider, forbidden knowledge, and that she is reaching into areas that we (who are not Sith) should not tread. The Sith have been informed of this, and I am unaware of what will come of it. I worry for her safety and our own. One last comment before I close this section. Remember when the residential area of [ALQ-131] had a number of noise complaints coming in due to a celebration somewhere on top of one of the towering buildings? Well that was Aviza Niskaru celebrating her birthday and a successful mission that she achieved with flying colors. I was invited and of course attended said party, but am embarrassed and partly ashamed to admit that I barely remember a good part of the party, which could prove problematic at a later date. [b]Major achievements and failures on record.[/b] [Successful]: Assassination of Republic Senator - Aviza released sensitive information about a Republic senator to the public, resulting in a massive full scale riot where Republic Senator Ameninor S. was shot with at least five bolts. This caused a chain of chaotic events through the planet, destabilizing politics for a few weeks. [Successful]: Sabotage of Republic Propaganda Machine - Spreading false information and lies lead to demoralization, and a planned accident, causing loss of life upon a neutral world where the Republic was attempting to recruit citizens. The people of this world saw the Republic as people unable to protect them and their assets, resulting in the swift allegiance with the Empire. [Successful]: Sensitive information recovery - A quick and easy mission upon a space station. Merely merely acquire said data from Republic facility upon the station and leave. Going beyond this, and rising her own life, Aviza managed to copy all of the republic data upon the local system, greatly helping our forces. [Successful]: Prisoner Recovery - A mission rarely given to Imperial Agents, Aviza had infiltrated an Republic vessel and managed to recover a VIP personnel from the Republic forces. She managed to safely return him to Dromund Kaas without a shot being fired. Reports are a bit mixed on this mission, but all that matters is that it was a success. [Successful]: Demolition of Republic space station - (CLASSIFIED) [Successful]: Infiltration upon Republic world - (CLASSIFIED) [Catastrophic Failure]: Republic Jedi Knight investigation - The details on this mission are mostly classified, I was able to clear up some of that and put together the whole story manually. Honestly, why she was sent upon this mission is greatly confusing. This sort of assignment is meant for immensely powerful Sith, making quick work of the Jedi and everything else he or she wants to completely and utterly obliterate. With that being said, I am surprised and also impressed that she came out of this alive. Imperial Agents are high value targets, but this Jedi Knight clearly chose to not capture or eliminate Aviza Niskaru, which has brought up many serious questions. Her mission, was to infiltrate a Republic world an gather information upon a known Jedi Knight who had made the world his home. From reports, Aviza had little trouble blending in, an soon became a welcome part of the society under the disguise of a Republic medic. She found herself treating a number of serious wounds, saving the lives of those who needed her medical expertise. This Jedi Knight was no fool though, apparently he could see through her deception and manipulation. He kept her in the dark that he knew that she was an Imperial Agent, finding some sort of satisfaction in the fact that she was healing Republic soldiers. This ruse of hers came to an end when the Jedi Knight became weary of her escapades, she had in fact, been stealing sensitive information about their medical fleets and the location of the Jedi Temple and its defenses over the last month and a half. From her reports, this Jedi Knight had openly attacked her while she was heading back to her apartment through a memorial park upon the Republic World. She had been violently force pushed two hundred yards, sending her smashing into one of the few statues in the park. This resulted in a few broken ribs, a broken left tibia, a broken left arm, and a concussion. Dazed, injured, and confused from the concussion, she said she saw the blurred image of the Jedi Knight approach her from a distance. Reaching for her blaster, it was swiftly pulled from her and crushed into a useless ball before the Jedi Knight closed the distance. Now standing above her, unable to fight back and severely injured, Aviza awaited what she expected to be a merciful death from the Jedi Knight. She thought that it would come in the form of his lightsaber, perhaps at her neck or a vital organ to deliver a swift and clean killing blow. Instead, there was no killing blow, and before she knew what was happening, her vision turned to black, passing out from what she expected to be blood loss and pain. When she awoke, she found herself with no armor or weapons, all of her belongings missing, laying inside of a medical bay upon a massive neutral space station. She was in stable condition, and most of her injuries had been thoroughly tended to. Upon awaking, she was confused but then remembered what happened before passing out. Why the Jedi Knight had spared her life still leaves her and some of those who are allowed to read the report, quite confused. Once a call had been sent out that a Imperial solider had been sent to the medical room and dropped off by what appeared to be civilians, the Empire was notified. She was handed over to the Empire and began to fully recover. Though, as would be expected, the Empire was not pleased with this turn of events. She had lost all of her equipment, and now the Republic knew what the Imperial intelligence agency was investigating. Her mission was declared a catastrophic failure, and I was informed to report this to the Sith. I did as I was told, but explained the situation to a more understanding and merciful Sith Lord who I have come to admire. With his word, the blame of the failure was removed from Aviza Niskaru and later declared as the Jedi already knew of her arrival from a force vision. [/hider] [hider=Interview] [b]Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for use in imperial archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/b] Having been born into a very wealthy and prestigious family, very shortly after the Sith were exiled to the far reaches of the galaxy. Aviza was brought up during what was undoubtedly a very difficult and pernicious time for the Sith and the Empire. Her parents did their best to assure her of her safety upon their home world of Dromund Kaas, though the past was not so easily forgotten or forgiven. After being drafted into the Imperial Military, all new recruits went through an extensive period of psychological testing and reprogramming. This was done to help gage if the civilian was mentally sound enough to become a solider, and if they would be able to put up with what was laid ahead of them. There had been rare accounts of soldiers snapping either in training or upon the field of battle, attacking friend and foe alike. A much stricter test had been implemented after these events, and still remains to this day. After months of this intensive testing, Aviza with the rest of her fellow recruits, were found sound and cleared. With each month that passed, they would cover a different area of training, sometimes returning to improve upon some areas at the order of those who watched them to insure they were becoming the soldiers that the Empire and Sith needed. Such traits as bravery, honor, respect, patience, endurance, commonsense, the ability to follow orders quickly and to the letter, and many others were repeatedly taught to them so that such would become second hand nature. The Imperial Intelligence program Aviza took part in helped reinforce these traits to help upon the field of battle and at home. During these new days of uncertainty, all of her experience over the many years of her life have turned her into a Imperial Agent that others can look up to. Her actions in the past have only proven this, and the Empire has many plans for her. [b][ERROR - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS CLASSIFIED, REQUEST FROM CURRENT ACTING CIPHER AND IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE TO PROCEED. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN SEVERE PUNISHMENT.][/b] [[i]This personal Audio Log from Aviza Niskaru is classified. It has been converted into text for your specific viewing. If you are unauthorized to view this file and are doing so without permission, turn yourself into the closest Imperial Intelligence agent for processing and[/i] [s]punishment[/s] [i]mind-wipe[/i].] Start personal log, I do not care enough at the moment to say what date it is, just woke up anyway. I'll handle that later, much later, when I feel like it. I have to admit, talking into one of these data-pads to record important information for future use by the Imperial Intelligence sphere is not something I thought I would find myself doing. I mean I understand I need to document what I experience, but it seems rather odd. Then again, they told me to, so here I am, doing just that. Note to self, don't piss off anyone in the Imperial Intelligence Sphere, better yet, don't piss off anyone above you, and never upset a Sith, just do exactly what they say and you will go far. That is, at least, what I have been told by my parents. I'm wasting data at this point, so lets begin with what I can remember, and the important stuff. I was born to two parents, Athena and Adrian Niskaru. Both of my parents were high ranking officers with the 314th Naval Regiment of the Imperial Navy, who had purposely taken a large step down from their recent positions within a Special Operations branch to raise their child, which is of course me. The Niskaru family has molded its now highly respected name over the many years we have served with the Empire and Sith, creating a legacy that is expected to carry on for many more generations. From a young age, I was informed of this legacy and that I am expected to follow in the footsteps of my parents, which they had done themselves. Clearly, I took another path and have ended up an Imperial Grunt in the army, which they are still very proud of me for doing. My parents use to always say "We expect you to withhold our family traditions, but we want you to be happy with your life and the position you hold within the Empire." They pulled all of their best cards to get me my position within the Imperial Army. I am doing my very best, I just wish I could be even half of the amazing people they are. Though these things come in time, and someday I hope to rise the ranks with not only proving my skills but most importantly by my accomplishments. [i]From now on, I will be giving small to large updates on my life in the Imperial Military.[/i] They say I have a natural skill when it comes to Sniper Rifles, and I must say that I agree with them. I feel oddly at peace with a sniper rifle, which I will never tell anyone face to face, for reasons of my own. It's truly a great feeling to pick off a target that is so far away, you can't see it with the naked eye. Assassination falls into my natural gifts as well, it would seem. Not sure how my parents would feel about that, not sure how I feel about it, to be quite honest. I am thankful though, this has opened up many doors for me, or so I am told. Outside of normal weapons and equipment, I have taken a great liking and appreciation to spacecrafts and ground vehicles like the AT-ST, the firepower on that is awe-inspiring. I have seen it wipe out full squads or even more of hostile enemies, looking forward to manning one of them, eventually. It should be mentioned here that I apparently pissed off a few Imperial trainers, and I am unsure as of how. I have been following orders swiftly and to the letter, I perform to the best of my abilities, perhaps they feel threatened that they could loose their position? The situation at hand with my trainers has gone from bad to the worse possible outcome next to death. I am being shipped out to a world I do not even know the name of, or even where it is! Apparently fighting here is a fate worse than death. A couple combat veterans said they are going to watch my back and protect me, and I will do the same. Five months upon this hellish landscape in the worst conditions I have ever experienced make me question what my parents could have done to help me out of this situation, but apparently they are working with the Sith and are preoccupied or are just unaware of the fact I am here. I am not using them as a crutch or scape-goat, I want to make that clear, I will fight where the Empire demands it, just wish I could be up inside of one of those AT-ST's with the veterans I made friends with. Trench-Warfare, they say its saved for soldiers like us, people who know how to use a weapon in shitty conditions and still manage to be a great shot. I feel like we are just cannon fodder though, and my veteran friends agree, that we most likely are. There is a silver-lining though, my veteran friends are trying to get me into an AT-ST with them as a sort of co-pilot. I asked what that meant, and its apparently manning the weapons, which has me extremely excited. Only a fool would not want to man these weapons, and an even bigger fool would be on the other side of them, trying to fight the AT-ST. I have learned the basic functions and controls of the magnificent fighting machine, and can't wait to pilot one on my own. Scratch that idea, the war is over, we beat the enemy into submission, and they had agreed to side with us and not the Republic. I am told this operation was a secret war behind the eyes of the Republic, which makes me feel quite good about what we have accomplished here. My veteran friends have shared their personal information with me, and I am headed back home tomorrow. Now that I am home and all is right in my world, I now realize how much I have missed warm meals, warm showers, a warm bed, seeing the blue sky above, the warmth of the sun, actual rest and relaxation, my family, my friends, and my home. Speaking of my family, apparently they had not been informed of my recruitment into that war. I expect a lot of good to come from what I learned upon that field of battle though. I decided now was as good a time as ever to attempt to achieve my goal of becoming an Imperial Agent. I have turned in all of my information and things are looking up once more. Only time will tell, but I am ready and my parents are pulling all of their best cards to make this work out for me. If I said I was not nervous, I would be a liar. Was approached by a solider today and escorted to the Imperial Intelligence Headquarters, where I was informed that my application had been approved and my training would start immediately. I was informed that my recording of personal messages that I had been doing for many years would end here, and everything from here on out would be classified. The man was kind enough to inform me that giving out any classified data in anyway would result in severe punishment. Which I take as, you become a Siths torture buddy, and not in a good way. I will end my recordings here by saying I am very thankfully for all those I have met, for all those who have helped me, for all those who have shaped me into what I am now. This of course includes my parents, the rest of my family, and my friends. I hope to one day see the Sith Empire back at its former glory, and I will do all I can to ensure it happens. This is Aviza Celestine Niskaru, Signing off. [/hider]