We have found the wasp hive! Now it is just a matter of dealing with the damn thing before it becomes to great a threat. An overland assault is... not advised. They would spot it long before we got within striking distance of the hive and if what the bees have told us about them are true, the wasps would be -more- then willing to kick start a war out in the open for the sake of fighting... and they would have the edge in such combat. Fighting in the skies isn't advised either, since we have only recently started to develop air units ourselves and they are not prepared for full on aerial combat on this scale just yet. Having given the idea much thought, our best course of action might be to tunnel. Starting at the beetle log, we should start to develop a tunnel between it and the wasp nest. Along the way we can develop mini hives underground in order to store food supplies and places to rest in order to continue the advancement of the tunnel. The idea behind this plan is that if we can launch a surprise offensive against the hive itself, we can negate the advantages of the wasps and force them to fight defensively. We also have the benefit of being able to damage and destroy their means of replacing their fallen numbers at the source.