[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191114/66c53e865132edccaa5eef2653db46ba.png[/img] [hr][hr] [sup]H e a l t h : ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 100% E f f e c t s : None W i t h : Torvin Ironfist M e n t i o n e d : [@LordOfTheNight][/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Vardi woke up to a familiar laugh. It was loud and jolly, one he’d expect to hear at the Drunken Miner tavern, or when a good kill was had. And when the guard opened his cellar gate and dropped his items beside him, Vardi also laughed. “They always send the very best when a damsel is in distress.” he chuckled, scrunching into his brown tunic and breeches, nodding at the dwarf’s metal cog tattoo that confirmed that it was in fact: “Torvin the Terrible. You’re one of my favorites, ya know?” [b]"Jumping into the drinking water, eh? That's a new one. Doesn't seem like a fitting end for someone of your caliber. How's about we get you saddled up and we chance a death defending a Dune Schooner?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.[/b] “Oh, trust me. That skinny dip was worth it.” he whistled with exaggerated content, clasping on a black-bronze cuirass and a pair of gauntlets. “Hell, I’d rather drown in that pool of angel tears than dry up like an old man’s ball bag out in those dunes.” They both knew that was a lie. Torvin and Vardi were like peas in a pod -- if one pea was shorter, more burlier than the other -- and they shared a thirst for bloodshed, though, [i]addiction[/i] is a far more accurate word in Vardi’s case. Flaying open some hapless vagrant was the only reason he signed up with the Sunrunners. Well, not being jailed and executed for the crime because of his guild affiliation is more like it. But to sleep the eternal sleep, on a bed of corpses made by your own doing in battle? That's the only true way to die, and both couldn’t agree more, for they’ve discussed this topic at great length, over many kegs of ale at the dwarf’s domicile tavern. However, such a sweet surrender will have to wait, at least until he pays back The Night Twins for what they did to him; but that doesn't mean he couldn't have fun in the mean time. Practice makes perfect after all. “This Dune Schooner must be hauling some serious candy, the kind that’ll attract all sorts of eyes, oooh, especially Gleeker eyes, my absolute fave.” Vardi said with a mischievous grin, moving each finger encased in enchanted metal, the kind that sharpened to daggers on his command. Vardi sensed the guard’s scrutinizing eyes beaming down on him. He smiled back with a piercing gaze and blew a kiss. The guard spat angrily on the ground. “I’m sure Hawke was thrilled to know I’d be tagging along too.” Vardi jumped into his leather boots and tightened their clasps, stomping each one into place. He made some final adjustments to his attire, all the while, growing more and more excited at the job Torvin proposed to him. “Nothin like an ol'family reunion over some ol'fashion violence, eh, Torvin?" he said, exiting his cell with an extra spring in his step. "For the good of the guild, of course.”