[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191020/7b3f36427d81dac40a55867b4847e46b.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/2vjnlh8cyVO0oGSrfZ/giphy.gif[/img] [/center] [indent][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub].[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub] Things so far seemed good. Asher was as polite as ever, and every person he introduced to her seemed pleasantly surprised to have them join their conversations. Leo would have said everything was going perfectly- and yet she couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness between them. Every few minutes, she would catch herself drifting away from their conversation, or she would stare off into space as if her mind was leaving her body behind to escape the heavily perfumed ballroom. Once or twice, a question had to be repeated by the others for her to snap back and realize she was supposed to be having small talk about the Aciran celebrations. Wedding this, wedding that. The talk of weddings and happily ever afters were drilling holes into Leo's brain the more Asher dragged her around. They were talking to Vivian when the princess herself questioned Leo and Asher about their own wedding. Leo had been off in a distant memory of Dredalan when the question was dropped and made her snap right back. It had been asked so many times before, but coming from Vivian, it all felt too real for her. [color=00D0FF]”If you could excuse me for a moment, my lady.”[/color] he said to Leonor. [color=00D0FF]”There seems to be something I need to attend to. I promise I’ll meet back up with you as soon as I can.”[/color] The question didn't have to be answered now. With Asher gone so abruptly, she was free to excuse herself. Her eyes trailer behind Aher, her eyes were distant. When they finally focused on his destination Leo couldn't help but let herself smile. So that was it, wasn't it? [color=CD5C5C]"You'd have to excuse Prince Asher,"[/color] Leo turned back to Vivian just as two other Princess from some small European countries approached their little group. [color=CD5C5C]"I'll have to excuse myself too, Princess Sun and Princess Rebecca seem eager to talk to you, Princess Vivian."[/color] With that, Leo excused herself away from the group towards the bar. While the embarrassment of her betrothed pretty much bailing on her in the middle of a conversation was already fading, she couldn't help to feel a bit defeated. Asher's quick departure had been rude- pretty fucking rude. Whatever, Leo didn't care for the man. All that mattered was getting along with him enough to marry him- or wait until he called off the whole engagement. She'd never hear the end of it from her mother if that were to happen, but at least she wouldn't be getting married to a guy clearly hungover by another chick. All of this was just one long drag. Leo should have just rejected the invitation and convinced Chris to stay back in Nevarrea and lounge all day by the beach. [i][color=CD5C5C]Just smile, nod, and survive.[/color][/i] She thought as she reached the bar and ordered a dry martini. Leo's mother had convinced her that the only way to really serve her people was just to marry some prince, fuck said prince, have his babies and just be happy with it. Leo didn't want to marry a prince. Or anyone- not yet at least. Just thinking about marrying someone was giving her a headache. [color=CD5C5C]"At least I don't have to entertain him anymore."[/color] Leo said to herself after thanking the bartender for the drink. She could have been back home right now with a pretty lady in her arms after a long night of dancing and drinking. Instead, she was here watching the guy she was supposed to marry walk to the princess who'd lost her own prince. [/indent]