Sylvia smiled as Dinah rubbed her head against her, and she pet Dinah's head gently in kind. She didn't resist Dinah as she curled up in her lap, and just continued to gently pet Dinah as she rested in her lap. She listened intently to Shortfang as he told the story. She was about to ask about what Gestalt was, but Shortfang already answered. C'tan was [i]that[/i] powerful? When he mentioned the 'world behind the world', how C'tan could control fate with numbers, and the 'Meta' her curiosity and confusion was piqued. Her thoughts went wild over what they could mean, but she was able to focus back on Shortfang's story. Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of the edge of Keratia and how once someone entered the fog, they never came back, but thanks to Pun-Pun, Keratia still existed. She was silent for a couple of moments after the story. Did she...need to head west and towards the edge of Keratia to go home...? That thought inspired both hope and fear. Before her thoughts could spiral out of control with the possibilities of what could happen, she shook her head and focused her attention back to the present. She commented to Shortfang, clearly in thought and her mind reeling, "That's...quite a conclusion to Pun-Pun's story..." She asked Shortfang out of curiosity, "I don't suppose you know if the story gave any details on C'tan's origins?"