I'm sort of tempted to do a religious type of organization that frequently raids and steals supplies disguised as pirates. I sort of know what I want to do, something like Nod in C&C, a charismatic leader who's goal is ascension through alien technology and artifacts. Ascension then would be tied to their ideology that they will be one people with shared thoughts and shared goals. However, they are quite far from there yet thus, they are sort of terroristic, raiding, gathering materials, stealing artifacts, all to further their goals. They operate with different cells around the galaxy but center themselves near the fringe where they are less likely to be snooped on while at the same time rousing the poor and oppressed to rise up against their supposed overlords. But it's just a concept, any ideas on criticisms, or things I may have missed? I did only skim a little of the accepted sheets, I don't want to conflict with anything.