Shortfang shrugged. “Legend say C’tan orphan, adopted by elf. Ancient elves. They teach C’tan magic and immortality, which help C’tan become old and powerful. C’tan use to be hero wizard too, he help fight calamity dragon and use magic to stop the One Thousand Suns, but Shortfang dunno those stories.” The kobold returned to his bunk with the toasty and warm blankets to wrap himself in until he was a kobold burrito. Only his snout could be seen from underneath his sheets. “Oh! C’tan did have wife, but she leave when she turn evil. They say she still lives. They say she is Eos, Dawnbringer. When edge of world was made, no more sun, so she become sun and moon to give Keratia night and day. They say she know everything about C’tan, but no one know how to talk to her.”