As of right now, I have two that are rather unsteady. The rest I'm considered scrapped as I have been waiting forever for replies, but have not heard anything as of yet. I need a decent partner! What I’m looking for is someone who believes they are capable of creating a story that draws out emotions, because honestly, what is the point of writing a roleplay together if each time you read the post you feel nothing at all? I want characters that I can grow to like or dislike as their place in the story changes, but who are realistic. And more importantly, I am looking for someone who will contribute to the story, not make me carry all the weight without adding anything, because honestly, it gets boring for you as well as me if the story is full of my ideas only. I am looking for someone to play main male role, and would prefer that my partner be male as well. Before I catch a bunch of crap for this I will explain my reason. My previous female partners have been the habitual abandoners. I’m not saying that there haven’t been guys who have ditched me, but of all my roleplays, 90% of my male partners have told me when they cannot continue, and have let me know when an issue comes up and they cannot post. Out of my female partners 95% of them have left without saying a word, so you can put the blame ones who came before that have left a bitter taste in my mouth. I’m not saying that I’m totally against a female partner, but honesty, you would have a really hard time convincing me to take the risk. No offense meant! I need to be challenged. Anyone can type a bunch of words to make a sentence, but I need details, lots and lots of details. I eat them up. The more you give me, the easier it is for me to return the favor. We all have our bad days, and writer’s block can be a mother….but I can’t respond back to less than one extremely detailed paragraph no matter how hard I try, and believe me, I have tried. I stare at the screen for hours before I throw my hands up in defeat and walk away. I love more, in fact, the more you give me, the happier I’ll be. I will always try to give you the same thing you give me. Sometimes it might be a little less, sometimes more, but I won’t respond to 10 paragraphs with three, eight or nine maybe, but never something that will make you want to reach through the screen and slap me. I hate to censor myself in any way, and need someone who feels the same way. I’m not saying that our characters will always be prancing around naked, cussing, while shooting up and committing violent crimes, but when and if those times come up in the story I prefer to play them out. I’m an adult, and prefer my partners are as well. I know I have already said it, but I need communication! I will try to the best of my ability to let you know when something is wrong on my end, and I appreciate the same in return. We don’t have to be best friends, but a quick “It rained cats on my house and I have to find homes for all of them before I can reply” or whatever your situation might be will work if there is a problem. If you don’t like how the story is going and you’re bored out of your skull, speak up. I promise I won’t hold your family hostage and demand that you post. All I ask is you let me know what is up, and I will do the same. Above all else, have a sense of humor! I love tension in my stories, but not so much with my partners. Again, we don’t have to be best friends, but at least don’t act like I’m your personal stalker if I ask a question. Be cool with romance. I think that speaks for itself. Don’t be cool with love at first sight! That’s too boring and the interest gets lost quickly. I’m on quite a bit because right now I have no life other than work, which isn’t all that restraining. I can post at least once a day, sometimes more. I’d like someone who can do the same. *****Warning!******* If I don’t hear anything from you for a week, I’ll send you an message to ask if everything’s okay. I’ll wait another week to hear back, and if I hear nothing, well don’t expect a response if you do decide to give me one. Sorry, that might sound harsh, but to be honest, I’m kind of tired of people dropping without a word. Right now, I'm a bit burnt out of using my ideas and having people flake out on me, so I would prefer to come up with a plot with a partner that we can both agree on. I will say that my current preferences is modern/realistic/SoL types, but I'm willing to go with any genre if the plot interests me. I am not very big on Sci-Fi though. I think my endless wall of text is now finished. I will probably change things along as times goes on, but for now, this is it. If you're interested, feel free to PM me. [b]I hate doing this, but to ensure that you've read what I have written, please put your favorite book in the subject line of your PM.[/b] Cheers!