[i][quote=@PrinceAlexus] [@MissCapnCrunch] Can I get added to number 7 please? Freyas Feasting hall that also included there home. :) [/quote] Waiting for you to fix your sheet before adding all information. [@Shinobu] Glad you got your username change! Reading your character sheet at the moment- Right off the bat, thought your theme song was fitting for your personality- My only thought is maybe he is a little young for his role, but I could believe it for the type of world this is/what they celebrate and who they worship. Plus you have to be a reasonable bachelor age just like in the games :lol Definitely think you made a good character who will get to grow throughout the roleplay. You are accepted, I'll edit the information to reflect that. [@Stern Algorithm] What a cool theme song, love the sounds of "mining" in the background. Gave me the chills at times reading your character sheet just because of the line "Sierra believes that the prosperity of Root River lies under the earth rather than above it and seeks to save Root River from the fate that befell her hometown by finding a motherlode in the mines." Very very cool. She likes BigCo, which is going to be an interesting fact about her. Her relationship with BigCo and the Rot is going to be an interesting story to tell, and I think it will make for some cool storylines for her and her neighbors. Cletus is a beaut' feel free to also put him in the discord, for quick reference. Very well made character, and I'm happy to say you are accepted- well worth the wait!! I'll update the information to reflect that; just let me know what house you decide on. [@Majoras End] Wonderful start! Can't wait to see her finished. [hr] Everyone else- I'd like to have character sheets done/submitted by this FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13TH if you will please! That way we can start the first in character posts by the weekend and the like :) Thank you![/i]