Somewhere in the crowds, you find the inevitable hapening: Some guy messing with his phone. In Niko's case, it was a chatroon online. Had to be by text. Not only was it too noisy in here, but the people probably wouldn't appreciate being talked about out-loud. [b][color=gray]Eclipse:[/color] [color=92278f]There's alot of people here, right now.[/color] [color=gray]Winger:[/color] [color=a0410d]No problem. You got this, bro.[/color] [color=gray]Eclipse:[/color] [color=92278f]You know, you [i]could[/i] have helped me.[/color] [color=gray]Winger:[/color] [color=a0410d]Hey, you were the one who wanted to get out. Besides that, I'm good, but you're better at this sort of thing. If it were a flying competition, that'd be my deal, but it's not. Now, do us all proud. Teacher's watching.[/color] [color=gray]Eclipse:[/color] [i][color=92278f]You told Athena?![/color][/i] [color=gray]Athena has joined the chat.[/color] [color=gray]Athena:[/color] [color=ec008c]You bet your ass. For all the work I put into you, I'd better see you standing over alot of dead-to-the-world fighters.[/color] [color=gray]Niko:[/color] [color=92278f]Uhh...yes, ma'am.[/color] [color=gray]Niko has left the chat.[/color][/b] Fastest Logout in the West. His instructor - the one who taught many of the troops in his sector - was a woman of devastating force and technique. Truly, she scared alot of people, but what made her so fearsome was that she could also be your friend. She was very kind to people, and only leaned harder on you because she cared for those around her. The harder she fought and taught, the more chances you had to survive. This was the one who trained Niko to fight, and out of a combination of fear and admiration, 90% of her students succeed. Niko [i]himself[/i] had a [i]special[/i] kind of honor, one he was reliving now in his head. One day, in her class... [b][i][color=ec008c]You've all been doing well, for the most part, but every time I teach a group of cadets, I need to do this. I have to show you the reality of things, that you can lose the fight and your life, and that you have to be mentally prepared for that. Anyone who wishes to run away may do so. This will not be reflected on your record. For those who stay, get ready to fight...[/color][/i][/b] This was flashing back in his head, a master martial artist and combat expert calling people forward and swiftly taking them down. Athena's moves were unparalleled, and she only held back to not kill or seriously injure those she taught. As Niko remembered, he responded to his being called in [i]real life[/i] the same way he did back then. He approached looking very tense and his mind working things out at about light speed. His opponent in the fighting ring was trying to toss some banter at him, but Niko didn't even [i]hear[/i] him. He was some wrestler looking to get his name in lights. When he got impatient, he approached Niko to grab him, and...well...that poor man. Niko saw Athena's approach in his mind as the other fighter came forward, there was a sudden yell, and he simultaneously grabbed an arm while kicking into the man's stomach and pulling back, so that he was flipped and hit the mat hard with Niko landing knees-down on the diaphragm to knock the wind out of his opponent. The man could [i]not[/i] get up. Back then, Niko had done this to his instructor, saw the look of shock on her face, and ran. This time, [i]he[/i] was the one confused as he stood up and looked around, saying [color=92278f]"What happened?"[/color]. The referee paused to collect himself after seeing that, and then explained that he won. Niko looked from him to the guy on the mat and went [color=92278f]"Oh."[/color], before excusing himself from the ring.