Illyana listened to all of Ivory's explanation, snatching up her book once more when she explained the sensations and jotting them down. This was good information, even if it was scarce. Illyana was only sorry she didn't have more details about the way it felt, that would be really helpful for their research. But she would have plenty of chances to do it again and again if they were using the teleport in the act, so Illyana wasn't worried about getting the information. Everything would come together in time, Illy just hoped that time would be sooner rather than later. At the last word, Illyana looked up from her scribbling and said, [color=598527]"'Displacing'?"[/color] This struck her as an odd word for Ivory to use.[color=598527] "Is that the word he used?"[/color] Without waiting for an answer, she scribbled more into her notebook. There was a slight pause as she looked down at the words, then her eyes went wide for a moment. She tossed the book into the table, turned and made her way over to her bed. Every surface except the cutout in the middle where she slept was covered in books. She rifled through them for a second, turning them to see the spines, then tossing them aside. After a moment, it became clear that she was organizing them into piles. She was mapping out how she would attack this next phase of her research. The information Ivory had shared had given her quite a few theories to work with, which was definitely more than she had before. In fact, she felt like she had already reached a stopping point before the dhampir had come to pay her a visit, and was grateful that the wheels could begin turning again. [color=darkgray]"What are you doing...?"[/color] Ivory's voice carried from behind her. [color=598527]"Uuuh..."[/color] Illyana began in answer, looking at the spine of a book on the occult before she tossed it into the larger pile. [color=598527]"I'm just making a know, for researching. This was really good information, honestly, the best clue I've gotten so far, so I need to jump on it before--"[/color] there was a pause as she yawned loudly, covering her mouth with the back of her hand, [color=598527]"--the trail goes cold."[/color] This was true, though Illyana's body was resisting, her mind was alight with the thirst for more knowledge. If she could just push through one more night of research...maybe she would find something, anything, that could lead her to figuring out what was going on with Geralt. The longer she waited, the more dangerous he grew to her and the troupe. They needed contingency, and they didn't have that until they could determine the source of his abilities.