The lush greenery of the environment surrounding the school proved to be a welcoming sight to Sayomi. The nature of the Southern Water Tribe's location was one harsh and stark to those looking in, but to their inhabitants, it was home. It was all that they knew, excluding those that went off to fight in the worldly conflicts. Life there was simple: children playing in the snow and ice, sons being taught how to fish by their fathers, weekly gatherings as a whole tribe filled with dance and feasts. This was Sayomi grew to know and that is why the Lion Turtle Bending School appealed to her. The subtly sweet scent wafting from the exotic flowers, the vibrant greens that decorated the landscape with an artist's touch, the cool breeze that blew ever so often that caressed her face. All things new that she could have only dreamed about seeing. [i]I'm so glad that Alana sent me here.[/i] she thought to herself as she walked through the corridors of the school. She had endured long speeches, instructions, directions, and tours since she arrived and it wore her out mentally. When it came time to eat, she sought a table with little to no people and sat there, allowing her to recollect herself with her thoughts instead of focusing on eating. Lucky for her, Alana packed her a roasted fish that she could eat later.