[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190929/ace8bbf066b3359e331d072d64b95f94.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kRJqnuO.png?3[/img] "[color=FB8035]That's one place to start.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Song Residential Home [/b] [/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Once Sarah came out of the shower, she immediately got dressed in uniform with her necktie just slung over her neck. Her hair was still a bit damp and fresh, when she saw head for the bathroom after her. Neeko had just nodded to whatever Xayah had just said and carried on doing whatever. Sarah then walked over with a towel a she was still drying her ears and asked, "[color=FB8035]Hey kiddo, what about you? No shower? No freshening up?[/color]" She then sat down and started sliding on her socks, "[color=F5BD32]Nah, Neeko already bathed when everyone was sleeping, Neeko is night Neeko.[/color]" Sarah then laughed after she had acknowledged that, "[color=FB8035]You got your uniform?[/color]" Neeko nodded and went in the guest room down the hall to change, when she came out she looked a bit rugged, Sarah let out a sigh and walked over to her, letting out a light soft thump for each of steps on the wooden floorboards. "[color=FB8035]You'll have to learn how to tie your tie soon-[/color]" Said Sarah as she started tying Neeko's tie, but she cut herself off after remembering that she was in the same position before, but instead with Ahri. She often scolded her about not learning how to tie a tie but Sarah always replied with "[color=FB8035]Yeah but I got you, so why need to? I can shoot stuff, you can tie my tie.[/color]" And before anything, that was where their friendship started, which evolved into something more. Sarah then shook her head trying to snap out of it, and gave Neeko the most perfect double knot tie she had ever done in her life. She then moved away and nodded, waiting for the others to finish.[/indent]