Alright, so here's my general evaluations involving each and every application posted in the chary tab. I am going to regret everything after going through all of these, but it will be a fruitful effort ripping and tearing through this till I drop. Those that I don't have any issue with will be listed at the top. I'll be somewhat lenient on certain parts, but I will try to ensure that most applications adhere to what is listed in the OoC. This is only for the people who have had their chary sheets accepted. I will get to the unaccepted sheets as soon as I can, but for now, lets get this show on the road. [hr] [@Duoya] | [@Bubsy 2] | [@GreenGoat] | [@banjoanjo] | [@ClocktowerEchos] | [@Chasers115] | [@The World] You all are good to go for now. [hr] [@Lasrever] In any case, a few things I need to ask. For starters, how quickly can she drain the energy of other people? Is there theoretically no limit to how many people she can be taking energy from at once? Does it matter what kind of touch there is whether its her grabbing someone or being clustered up and keeping contact? How quickly can she drain energy when she's out of spiritual energy? Is it a slow ramp? What's the point of storing five years worth of energy if it drains in just one day? Just need to know before I can form some proper judgement. [hr] [@Scribe of Thoth] Alright, so, questions. For starters, how long will it take for him to cause something to decay? While you did state about prolonged contact, I would like an exact number on that, i.e. seconds, minutes, etc. Furthermore, by contact, does it need to be specifically with the catalyst, or can he just grasp someones hand and start rotting them there? If gripping or touching them is the case, then will it speed up if he just grapples them/is touching more parts of a persons body? I need to know more before I can come to a tangible conclusion about your character. [hr] [@Snagglepuss89] Something just seems strange with this character and I can't exactly put my finger on it. Generally speaking, the powers are OK, at least, I find nothing too lore breaking or breaking in general about them. I think it might be more on the characterization side of it all, but I think it has to be the general question of why is he even fighting? Why is he teaching when he lacks the energy to do so? Why doesn't he just finish his studies? Why is he more tired than the girl who has 5+ spirits leeching off her who doesn't seem tired at all? Why doesn't he just break off the pact despite the spirit being nothing but an ungrateful nuisance to him and making him drained? There's a lot more, but honestly, I don't understand the character. I'll get back to you on this all when I've ruminated on it a bit more. [hr] [@PapiTan] I'm curious about this one as a result of Snaggles chary since I want to maintain consistency - why is it that she can have control over so many spirits, yet not have the same characterizing fatigue as Arthur? Granted, I know what you wrote down in the weakness section and that's fine, but how is she not suffering in the same way as him? [hr] The only complaint I have for everyone, GM's included, is the fact that most of these applications are cluttered and unorganized as hell, Jesus Christ. I'm going to refurbish the application down the line, or at least make the main one more organized. I'll get to the pm's down the line, but for now, I'm going to bed.