[color=8493ca][center][h1]Holy Terra, The Imperial Palace, Avenue of Sacrifice:[/h1][/center][/color] As the parades from the Sworn Brothers, Night Watch and Knights of Iron began to clear out, a relative quiet started to fall throughout the Avenue of Sacrifice. With what seemed like an end to the excitement, the nobility & elites turned inward toward their private circles. As such, it was the commoners on the streets looking up who were the first to catch sight of the void-born Primarch. Only visible at first from the firing of their jets, the tiny specks of the Primarch and his escort of Void Guard against the crowded sky quickly grew as they hurtled towards the place grounds. Forgoing a straight shot to the Ascensor's Gate, Atherel instead wove in between the colossal spires of the Imperial Palace, skimming the surface of the towers by mere feet. The Void guard followed suit, albeit with less grace and more caution than their Lord. With his speed and proximity to the spires, the Primarch did far more than just ruffle the feathers of the elite, both literally and figuratively. A young nobleman, leaning perhaps a bit too far out over a balcony, found himself pulled over the edge by Atherel's tailwind. As a collective gasp escaped the onlookers, the Primarch seamlessly altered course, moving to carefully catch the mortal without killing him. Sweeping upward, Atherel gently deposited the young nobleman on the balcony from which he had fallen. Still holding one of his hands, the Primarch paused only to offer a silent bow in compensation before letting go and flipping back over the edge; leaving an embarrassed and breathless young man in his wake. Continuing to weave through the towers, the Primarch eventually touches down at the end of the Avenue of Sacrifice, outside the Ascensor's Gate as the Void Guard land in three prefect semicircles facing back down the Avenue around him. Briefly removing his helmet, Atherel gives the crowd a boyish grin & a wave followed by a bow; a roar of cheering & thunderous applause the crowd's reply. Turning back towards the gates, Atherel silently dismisses the Void Guard, but not before issuing a brief order over a direct vox line to Marcus Castivar, Commander of the Void Guard. [color=8493ca][i]{{Find the Astartes in charge of the Night Watch's xenos auxiliaries and have him extend my commendations to those under his command. Their service to the Imperium has not gone unnoticed.}}[/i][/color] Marcus replies with a brief vox burst of acknowledgement; the Void Guard moving toward the parade staging area as Atherel continues on to join his brothers.