[@Darkmoon Angel] So the way battles work, is that you have your Health (which lowers as you fight), your Base Power (which usually stays the same and is equal to your character's full health), and your Attacking Power. Your Attack Power is the key here. For now we're learning the basics, which is that any time you attack, you can use up to or less than your Base Power to attack. The thing is, you will automatically take damage equal to 10% of your Attack Power used. So right now, Ivan the Russian is already going to loose 2 health points. In your response post, you will decide how strong your attack will be. You can do anything from 10 to 100 (in multiples of 10 to make the math easier). Then, I will roll two dice equal to our characters' Attack Power (doing at LEAST 40% of your Attack Power in damage to your opponent). [color=fff79a][i]EDIT: Upped guaranteed damage to 40%[/i][/color] If that doesn't sound easy to understand, don't worry about it. Just pick a number between 10 and 100 (divisible by 10) and watch what happens.