Their intention to head to the stadium got delayed by the interruption of a guy's camera flash and Aro's reaction to it, quickly followed by Aro introducing himself to the photographer. Kjolmar eyed the stranger up and down in order to make a fast assumption of who they were meeting. Neo hovered closer to Kjolmar like it usually did when a new person approached, proving its point that it was always ready to strike if needed. Neo could be very protective of Kjolmar. Tweener, on the other hand, seemed to distracted by the meeting with Shade to notice the photographer at all. Then again, it was very young and not exactly used to certain situations. When it finally noticed everyone's attention going to the stranger, Tweener quickly hid behind Kjolmar's legs again, like it had done before when it had first met Aro. When Aro introduced himself, Kjolmar hesitated one second but then quickly joined his friend's example. "Kjolmar." he said while making intense eye contact with the photographer. Somehow the fact that Neo was floating around Kjolmar made the whole situation even more intense. "And you are?" he added before anything else could interrupt them.