[center][color=f7941d][h1][u]🔥Ciara Smith🔥[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [sub]🔥 Location: Silvermist Academy, Dorm-> Baths -> Mess hall 🔥 Time: Afternoon[/sub] [hr] Ciara curled into a ball. The white ashes, remains of wood and coal, spread across her skin. Her eyes opened to observe her room. Her bedtime fire went out a few hours ago leaving a pleasant but cooling the heat in its wake. Already the red coloring had faded to white causing her to sigh. A mist floated into the chilly air. Casually she pushed herself upright and flipped her feet over the edge. Her feet hissed when they made contact with the cold floor. Ciara’s arms stretched out over her head while she collected herself before relaxing. She took the measure of her surroundings. Unlike most students, she found it easier to sleep while engulfed by fire. Childhood memories from her mother and being placed in a stoked fire filled her mind. The heat cradled her and soothe her fears, encouraging peaceful sleep. Sometimes she thought she could hear her mother’s sweet voice ring out in the background. Without that comfort, nightmares plagued her. Nightmares led to eruptions and carnage. Her head shook away the thoughts as she rose to her feet. Dragging herself to the end of the bed, she crouched down by a metal trunk. The lid flipped over with a little effort, exposing her clothing nestled safely inside. Ciara took out a simple loin cloth, breast wrap, dress, and apron. With a quick push down, the lid slammed down when she stood upright. Sleeping naked stopped nightmares from wasting her money. Taking a sooty blanket, she wrapped herself in it for modesty. She pushed the door open and began to walk toward the baths. Ciara knew being covered in ‘ashes’ wouldn’t do for the cleanliness requirement at Silvermist Academy. As she began to descendent down the stairs leading to the underground caverns, she entered the pool room. The waters bubbled slightly and heated the cavern. Already some students had stripped then waded into the inviting water. Ciara just shuddered and sped past them. Her ‘bath’ consisted of fire rather than water. Water hurt her in ways it didn’t for others causing scars that took years to fade. She paused at a small hole. Leaving both the blanket and her clothes on the marble bench, she began to climb down the metal ladder. Her movement caused it to creak on her way down. Darkness crowded her as her veins gave off a faint light, illuminating close proximity. Ignoring her fear, Ciara stepped into the center and sat crossed legged. A small breath inhaled then exhaled. With a little effort, her core began to heat. The section of her heart glowed orange then turned to white. Flames began to spew from the veins spread across her surface. With each passing minute, the lines grew brighter and wider until it engulfed her in a fire. Light erupted from her surface as it chased away the shadows. When the peak of the fury pass, Ciara’s skin darkened into its default state once more. She gradually lifted upright and walked back to the metal ladder, her surface clean of any blemishes. With a quick motion, she quickly made it to the top to dress. Now for breakfast, she thought. Ciara dropped her blanket into the basket for someone else to clean and dry later. At least one perk of being so strongly associated with fire, she got out of certain chores. Laundry and dishes being the most notorious ones to her health.