[Terrance] "Ah, but who delivered Uncle Stef to us in the first place? Wasn't anyone but the wonder triplets." I step back and look up at the ship as it descends, listening to my sister continue talking before nodding. "She's right, this is the best time to strike, though, I followed Uncle's trajectory, Amanda. The main Hive isn't a concern anymore I think." Turning my attention away from them as Ivan and John join us, I appraise the armored form who had resumed stroking his...pet. "Shadow, huh? Well, I'm not worried about the former head of Poltergeist anyways." [Rave] I appraise the pair and nod. "It's an old alias is all, something that helps me stay grounded right now. Aaaanndd, maybe a way to keep from betraying anything til I actually know you people." I shrug. "Old habits die hard, I guess." [Terrance] Nodding, I turn and lean over towards Leah as indicate this 'Shadow' character. "You sure he's not completely bonkers?"