[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191210/868910c476ed94014497b0307988fc18.png[/img][/center] As dawn approached, the forest was as a soft whisper in the deep of night. Frost clung to the ground from the crisp night before. When the beginnings of a pale hue began in the eastern sky, it came with such gentle subtlety that none took notice. It was not until the first blush of coral dared to peek above the hills that the slumbering earth stirred back to life, one soul at a time. The moment Lucina made her arrival to the village where her aunt and uncle resided she had a chill run up her spine, a sense of uneasiness overcame her. Brushing it off she continued to her family's home where she was warmly greeted by her Aunt and Uncle. She had only been visiting for just a few short minutes before they heard the commotion outside. Noticing the frightened looks on her Aunt and Uncle's faces a sense of worry and confusion overcame Lucina.