[center][hider=Great King of Destruction] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YnrAG0b.jpg[/img] [color=gray][b][h2]"You have sinned in the eyes of God. Prepare to be destroyed."[/h2][/b][/color] [hr] [color=gray][b]Class:[/b][/color] Lancer [color=gray][b]True Name:[/b][/color] Altera the Hun [color=gray][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] Chaotic Neutral [color=gray][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Under most normal circumstances, Altera is almost always pushed into the role of Saber, as this is her strongest incarnation which wields Photon Ray Teardrop. However due to the Saber class already being filled, Altera has instead been summoned in an alternate Class Container. This is not the human incarnation of Velber, the girl who was destruction personified. This is the incarnation of the legend of the Great King of Destruction, the beastly Hun who led her army across Europe and slaughtered all who had been judged as sinners in the eyes of God. This is the "Atilla" that society as a whole knows, rather than the machine who felt nothing as she killed. This is the ideal of "Leader of the Huns", someone with enough power, charisma, and intelligence to lead an army of rampaging savages and win even while seemingly outmatched by a professional army. Under normal circumstances this incarnation of Altera would be summoned as an Archer, which would completely change Altera into the conceptual and fictional "Atilla". However the Archer slot of this war already been filled, thus the Grail System instead deigned to push her into the Lancer class, which has combined Altera and '"Atilla" into something strange and fascinating. Her personality has been subtly altered due to this summoning, ironically this Altera "Alter" displays more emotion than the original. She delights in the adrenaline that pumps through her veins during battle, she mourns the loss of comrades, she laughs as she celebrates her victory over a worthy foe. This is an Altera that has been subtly tainted by what society believes to be "Atilla". [hr] [color=gray][b]STR:[/b][/color] B+ | [color=gray][b]AGI:[/b][/color] A| [color=gray][b]END:[/b][/color] B| [color=gray][b]MGI:[/b][/color] B| [color=gray][b]LCK:[/b][/color] A| [color=gray][b]NP:[/b][/color] A+ [color=gray][b]Class Skills:[/b][/color] Magic Resistance C: Cancels spells of E and D rank. [color=gray][b]Personal Skills:[/b][/color] Natural Body A: The possession of a perfect body as a living being since birth, Altera was the perfect warrior the moment she was found in the corpse of Velber, already holding Photon Ray while laying upon the grass. At rank A a plus modifier is added to Strength, continuously active at all times. Disengage A: Altera's favored tactic was to launch volleys of arrows and javelins upon her enemies, retreating immediately afterwards and then returning to repeat the process until the enemy army was dead. Her hit and run tactics were famous across the land, she had the ability to disengage from any situation. The ability to withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat. Once one is retreating, it is possible to reset the battle conditions, negating all kinds of negative effect that affects the Servant and which Rank is equal or lower than the rank of this skill. It cannot ‘heal’ the Servant or cancel curses or poisons. At A rank, this skill has the bonus effect of returning battle conditions to what they were at the beginning of the match (1st turn) and restores the condition of this Skill to the initial value. At the same time, it forcibly releases some of the bad status ailments inflicted on the user of this Skill. Projectile (Javelins) B++: While in life Altera's favored weapon was Photon Ray, the Sword of the War God, she recognized that close combat was not always the optimal method of destroying her opponents. In cases where long range was necessary she would instead rain javelins down on her foes, her technique famous across the lands. This same technique was taught to her army, which is part of what made it so fearsome. At rank B, the speed at which a javelin can be launched is enough to turn an automobile into shrapnel upon impact and can dent the armor of a tank. It has the bonus effect of piercing any defense lower than A rank, the only recourse when faced with a Javelin thrown by Altera is to either move or pray for mercy. The first + modifier is active at all times due to Altera's incredibly high Strength stat, shredding through anything without a defense of B++ or higher. The second + modifier is activated when the original Photon Beam 「Spear of the War God」is used as the javelin, inevitably piercing through any defense as if it were mere tissue paper unless it has a defense of A++ or B+++. Civilization Erosion A: The subconsciously active Skill of the Heroic Spirit Altera. Anything in Altera's grasp is transformed into its best form currently most suited for herself. This is based on Altera's own perspective, not necessarily reflecting the object at its greatest or most excellent. Due the the corruption of Altera, she now views the ideal weapon to be the spear rather than Photon Ray and the skill has been downgraded from the EX ranking she has in Saber class. Instead whatever Altera grasps becomes a replica of Photon Beam at B rank. [color=gray][b]Noble Phantasms: [/b][/color] [h2]Photon Beam[/h2][h3]Spear of the War God[/h3] [b][color=gray]Rank:[/color][/b] A [color=gray][b]Type:[/b][/color] Anti-Army [color=gray][b]Range:[/b][/color] 1-40 [color=gray][b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b][/color] 200 People Due to the nature of her summoning and how the legend of the Scourge of God has tainted her Saint Graph, Civilization Erosion now targets anything she holds in a rather different way. Whereas once anything she touched would inevitably become Photon Ray「Sword of the War God」, she now views the spear as the more efficient way to eliminate an army. She now wields Photon Beam 「Spear of the War God」, a weapon similar yet dissimilar to its counterpart. Where the「Sword of the War God」was like a whip, cutting through swathes of enemies gracefully like a rainbow arcing through the air, the 「Spear of the War God」is a nail, puncturing through any defense mercilessly. Photon Beam 「Spear of the War God」sacrifices the versatility of Photon Ray「Sword of the War God」and trades it in for range, having the ability to extend to immense ranges to puncture foes from afar. [h2]Rainfall Photon Beam[/h2][h3]Scourge of God[/h3] [color=gray][b]Rank:[/b][/color]A+ [color=gray][b]Type:[/b][/color]Anti-Sin/Anti-Army [color=gray][b]Range:[/b][/color]30-99 [color=gray][b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b][/color]1000 people A connection with the war god Mars cannot be established at present, the entity known as Altera「Atilla」cannot draw the full ire of the defeated war god. Altera instead connects to her mighty army, calling upon them to unleash a volley of javelins to wipe the enemy from the face of Gaia. Let the the world know the fury of the Huns, tremble as a rain of death erases your civilization. Upon True Name Release, Altera launches her spear into the sky, unleashing a volley of a thousand javelins to rain from the sky upon those she deems a "sinner". Sins range from something as simple as the destruction of another's property, to true atrocities committed by villains of the highest caliber. Depending on the weight of the sin, a mental debuff is applied to the target as they feel terror at the coming punishment. This mental debuff can range from something as simple as a slightly lowered reaction speed to freezing in terror at the sight of Altera. The + modifier comes into effect against those of the Lawful or Evil alignment. This modifier adds a tracking component to Rainfall Photon Beam, as each of the thousand javelins seek out the intended target with a vengeance. [/hider][/center]