[centre][h1][color=f26522][b]T[/b]HIRSTY[b] T[/b]HURSDAY [b]E[/b]VENING[/color][/h1][/centre] [centre][b][color=LightSteelBlue] CITY WIDE DUAL EVENT WITH [color=ed1c24][h2]SOL CITY SOL MATES[/h2][/color] [color=ec008c]- SEASONAL - CLEAR & COOL -[/color] [/color] [/b][/centre] [centre][img]http://hdqwalls.com/wallpapers/anime-couple-holding-hands-hatsune-miku-rd.jpg[/img][/centre] [b]Love is in the air! Find your Sol Mate and don't let go![/b] Special day with a special person or sourcing a special person? Sol Mates is the event for you! Life can be pretty lonely in the city, why not find someone to share your adventures in Sol with, be they your partner in crime, angel or devil on your shoulder. Who knows where it will lead if you don't try and take a leap! As an added bonus, the City's much-loved, regular, weekly party, [i]Thirsty Thursday[/i], falls on the same night this year as our Sol Mates celebration. Enjoy cheap drinks and food all across the city. Regular hot spots include [color=ec008c][b]THE PIT[/b][/COLOR] nightclub and [color=ec008c][b]LIGHT LANE[/b][/COLOR]. So let your hair down and let the good times roll and expect to call out on Friday. [b][color=f26522]Please be clear with time and locations to avoid time conflicts with other players[/color][/b] As always. Any questions or help required feel free to contact us in thread, PM or Discord. You could send a post owl, raven or the pony express but it might take a a little longer. [hr] [centre][h2][color=f26522][b]S[/b] T A R [b]M[/b] E S S E N G E R [/color][/h2][/centre] [centre][b][color=LightSteelBlue] SOL source of News since 1895[/color] [/b][/centre] [img]https://i.stack.imgur.com/JFfqk.jpg[/img] [b]Latest News[/b] [b]LIFESTYLE[/b] [i]Local Flower Shop Blooms[/i] Have you been downtown recently? Spring is on the way and one local business has caught our eye over the past week. Yes, I’m talking about the [i]Golden Flower[/i] in Central point. As I watch our city begin to come out of its Winter shell at the first glimpses of Spring, it’s hard to miss this quaint flower boutique. As a frequent observer of Sol trends, I have been following this tiny shop since I first noticed the signage change on a stroll downtown a few weeks ago. As competitive as the floral market can be, with the emergence of online retailers and the ever growing cost of downtown real estate, I have to say I crossed my fingers that this one would succeed and I’m so glad to report that this Sol small business is booming, particularly in the last week. An indulgence of the inside will net you numerous exotic fauna from around the world making the shop feel more like an experience rather than just a storefront. The owner, a kind immigrant to Sol City from the midwest, Alejandro, often attends to the inventory personally and along with his two associates are always kind and happy help even if I’m only there for idle chit-chat. The meticulous attention to detail in the arrangements is something I have never appreciated so much and to only call this a “flower shop” seems pedestrian. Alejandro and his team have certainly found a niche here in Sol and I for one applaud them for it. Sol City needs more people like them and the small success stories they can bring our city more than it needs another nebulous corporate sports stadium. I’m recommending the Golden Flower, particularly with Sol Mates coming up, and I hope our readers can find their way downtown to support this local business. [sub][i]Karley Smith Editor-Lifestyle and Social Media Star Messenger[/i][/sub] [b]OPINION[/b] [i]Organized Crime Reorganized[/i] When you have covered the streets of Sol City for as long as I have, you start to see patterns over time rather than people and events. I look back at the 70’s and can remember the first surges of drug imports from Mexico and California, the hardcore influx of migrants and contraband from South America in the 80’s and the biker gangs of the 90’s, the tech bubble of the early 2000’s that brought our first wave of “cyber crime” and the accompanying responses from City Hall that have ran the gammit of heavy-handed conservatism to near, nonchalant cultivation from the other side of the fence. As the city deliberates on the introduction of a [i]second[/i], major sports team, I can see the groundwork for more organized crime taking place in our city. Some might say, I’m completely off base, but as the adage goes: [i]Strength invites challenge.[/i] Our mayor, bless his soul, put our city at the behest of the Feds when he sought to crack down on the rampant street crime present on our streets and while none can dispute that the approach, in the short term, has been remarkably effective (and should be for the financial cost incurred by the city), I would argue that he has merely attracted a more deviant form of criminal. Say what you want about the death of Elvin Santos, and it is certainly not my place to promote conspiracy theories in this newspaper, but I think we must all acknowledge that the untimely death of one Sol City’s self-made men in real estate was indeed [i]extremely timely[/i] for criminal elements within the city, whether it was intentional or not. Elvin meant well for Sol City and those poised to fill the gap in his passing, I contend, do not. Major sections of The Run have been sold off since his passing along with the former property at Club Aether, all of which will be essential negotiating a future site for a second sports stadium. Look at the streets of Sol and you will no longer find common street thugs, half-baked drug dealers and the like. Our city has merely attracted a higher class of criminal. The Visigoths biker gang has been replaced by suit and tie Yakuza and the Dellesantos gang has been absorbed into a still faceless racket from the midwest that is yet to be revealed, but all on the street can feel it. City Hall and our Federal occupiers need to wake up and see the bigger picture, before the writing is on the walls, [i]literally[/i]. The walls of a brand new stadium owned by organized crime. [sub][i]William Queen SCPD - VICE (ret.)[/i][/sub] [b]LEGAL[/B] [Centre][img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/YxEAAOSwJc9aV9T7/s-l300.png[/img] [/Centre][b]Legal Eagles Nest[/b] Conan Barbarius launches law suit Vs Thulsa Doom over the true meaning of the riddle of steel. Ancestral conflict turns into modern day legal battle. In a modern day twist to the two clans rivalry dating back longer than anyone has recorded, Conan Barbarius challenged Thulsa Doom for the true answer to riddle of Steel in the courts. Having previous attempts included a proposed trial by combat, the new legal drama is a welcome relief especially when Conan came prepared with the Atlantian great sword of his ancestors and Thulsa with the age old curved sabre of sept both wielded by there ancestors. Though it seems a small matter the two clans have contested the Riddle for centuries and centuries, Conan Barbarius lawyer Valeria was confident of victory having won several difficult cases including "Destroyer Vs Destructo. Right to claim dark lord status" and other rather obscure legal disputes. [i]"I'm Certain we will win this case, evidence is backing us and we have numerous ancient texts to support us. Mr Thulsa Doom knows but is making frivolous allegations"[/i] Well this certainly a unique case in my opinion despite having joined the JAG Corps after injury I have never seen a case quite like this one. We are going to follow this one and hope Thulsa Doom or his representative are open to comment on what they can and give us a update. Thusla Doom is represented by Anubis Law and Litigation. [sub]Cmdr. Chip Hazzed (USN-JAG ret.) Star messenger[/sub] [B]WEATHER[/B] Seasonal weather tonight for Sol and surrounding areas, clear and cool, a perfect evening for your Sol Mates celebration wherever it may take you. For a more detailed and up to date report on the go, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.