Illyana couldn't help but smile as Ivory took the book from her. She'd expected some sort of scolding, but was glad it wasn't directed at the "state" of her room, or the amount of books she had slid over. Illyana's thirst for knowledge had driven her since she was a little girl. Aurel, and even Lucien, had commented on how quickly and thoroughly she absorbed books. Although she knew they were meant as compliments, it often made her feel self-conscious. As a child, she had never been very physically active, and had always defaulted to feats of the mind. Her parents, of course, and her peers had found this strange. They claimed that she was "hiding" in books when she should be experiencing the "real world". But in her mind, these books could teach her more about the real world than her circumstances could ever offer her. Now, she had more opportunities for travel and leisure, but she had carried her love of reading into adulthood, and knew this would not change any time in the near, or distant future. At Ivory's insistence that she sleep, she merely smiled and nodded, opening the book to near the end where she had left off. This one was a history book about the settlements of Vikings. Some might say that it was completely irrelevant, but Illyana knew better. Germany was raided and eventually settled by Vikings, and they believed in the existence of Shamans that acted as avatars and channels for the Gods on Earth. They had a variety of abilities that she thought were very similar to the ones of modern magicians. On top of this, the previous night she knew she had read a passage about "instant travel through space and time" and thought that Geralt's "displacing" may be something similar. [color=598527]"Hm?" [/color]she said as she half-heard Ivory's question. Without taking her eyes off the book, she turned the page and said, [color=598527]"Oh, yes. Although, I don't find Fiction nearly as stimulating as history."[/color] After her eyes had scanned the page, which took a matter of seconds, she looked over to another pile of books on the bed and pulled one out from near the bottom. [color=598527]"Here,"[/color] she said, handing it down to Ivory. [color=598527]"I've already read through this one, since it's German, but it's a little too...immature for what I'm looking for."[/color]