[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191210/868910c476ed94014497b0307988fc18.png[/img][/center] [color=gray]"You will not take her from us! What ever do you want with her!?"[/color] Lydia yelled at him with fiery in her voice. She was not going to allow Lord Christopher Voltaire to take her niece. Questions raced through Lucina's mind. [color=red][i]What does he want from me? Who is this man? What is he? Does he want to hurt me?"[/i][/color] She knew Lydia would protect her with everything she had and she wasn't about to let her family die for her. Sighing in exasperation Lucina pounded on the floor board for her Aunt to let her out. Stepping out of the hidden space beneath the floor boards she faced the man. Looking him directly in the eyes with a straight and composed face saying nothing.