[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181012/ad7d1ac9cb16e5ae0b355f0d3152a846.png[/img][hr][color=gray][b]Forest - ???[/b][/color][hr][/center]Hiroko skidded to a stop when someone barreled right into Honami. The impact had sent them sprawling onto the ground. She narrowed her eyes at the stranger who seemed rather frantic - or rather, she was most likely the one they had heard scream earlier. She took a moment to take in what the girl looked like. She was wearing some odd garb that she's only seen a bunch of cosplayers wear around when there was convention going on - or when they're doing some photoshoots or whatnot. Hey, Hiroko didn't judge. In her part of Japan, those weren't rare and if that made them happy, then so be it. Hiroko was thrown back from her thoughts when Honami had pushed the girl off of her but the mystery girl seemed unfazed, frantically talking about how they're coming and that they should hurry. Hurry and do what? Honami had blown a fuse - which was certainly understandable considering what had happened and the building stress due to their unknown location - and was going off at the girl. She moved to Honami and extended a hand to help her up, letting out an - [b][color=f26522]"Are you okay?"[/color][/b] - as she did so. Hiroko was sure that the girl was just too frantic to put any attention to them, hence the lack of apology and the start of the incident in the first place. She has crossed paths with many people who are like these. When someone is too focused on what they wanted to do that they forget everyone else around them. Hiroko raised her head to look at the girl. [b][color=f26522]"If you can calm down and explain to us what you're saying, then maybe we can be of more help."[/color][/b] Hiroko tried to seem as accommodating as possible, opposite to Honami's disgruntled questions so that maybe they would actually get a straight answer. And maybe an answer to where exactly they were.