[b][color=#be7d4d]Roux.[/color][/b] She had given up trying to make it through even just a single additional page after the third time someone had bumped into her, forcefully closing her book shut within her hands, and the contiously-filling streets seemed like an open invitation for further alteration if she didn't keep her eyes on the here and now. With slouched shoulders, Rachel sighed, her soles clacking loudly against the stone. Anri seemed to have sensed her trainer's displeased disposition, quietly growling, as if to fend of anyone entering their personal space. [b][color=#be7d4d][i]"You could just evolve if you wanted to scare anyone off,"[/i][/color][/b] the trainer sighed, heavy-lidded eyes flickering from face to face; this was way too much for her taste. The music, the chatter, the overwhelming amount of just... people. Rachel felt tired, thoroughly ready to crawl into bed already, and the whole spectactle hadn't even begun yet. At the edge of her periphery vision, she spied a shop that sold cards, books, and old trinkets. A sham, no doubt, but the little monitor that blared the speech broadcasted on almost every channel in the region caught her attention. Her shoulders rise, and the harsh clacking of her heels became firmer, as she hastened, people swirling by in a cascade of blurry shapes. Finally, she entered the building, the mechanical whir of the doors inviting her into a cozy lobby, where a plethora of muted conversations lingered in the air. Pokemon rumbled about everywhere, some playing with their trainers, others cautiously approaching future rivals, and maybe future friends. Rachel's lips stretched across her face, thinned by her stubborn scowl, as she retrieved her Pokeball from within her coat. [b][color=#be7d4d][i]"Enough for now...[/i][/color][/b] she murmured, her Eevee disappearing into a red mist with a reluctance little cry. Roux acknowledge her partner's mewl with an involuntary squint, her knuckles quivering as she clutched her Pokeball. So this is it, she thought, the thudding of her steps swallowed by a lush carpet. [b][color=#be7d4d][i]"They could hurry a little...[/i][/color][/b] she murmured, and leaned into a corner, her boots skidding along the flair against her weight, hands buried in her pockets. Against the sterile lightness of the facility, Roux's posture and attire seemed like a smudge on the wall, ill-fitting, and so she felt - out of her depth, coyishly eyeing the other trainers who she would soon have to overcome somehow.