Carver didn't want to be put down, but she did lower herself on his back so she could reach down with her vines to pull weeds or clear out old stems and leaves. When Behemoth found a pumpkin he thought would work for a full face sculpt, she peeked her head around his side to examine it. He helpfully lifted his arm to make sure it didn't block her view. "That looks great! Plenty of room for variant depth and fully detailed features," she grinned. "Can we set it aside somewhere?" Jack watched quietly from the edge of the pumpkin patch. He'd been informed one of the tricksters hadn't come back from an errand she'd been sent on, and still had work she had yet to finish near the carving stations. It didn't take much effort to find her. He hadn't heard her giggle so much outside of mischief in... Years, at least. It was simultaneously strange and relieving.