[hider=name] Luke Blanchfield [/hider] [hider=Image/Physical description] It was quite an euphemism to say that Luke is not the tallest of the shack, he’s pretty short for a man. He is still self-conscious about his height. He’s around 125 pound with a slight muscular build from the farm work he used to do. With permanent unkempt brown hair and brown eyes he makes a rather unremarkable impression on a first glance. His whole wardrobe pretty much solely consists of white shirts and khaki pants. When it’s cold he grabs his dusty red jacket. He always carries a small silver knife with him, 'for sentimental reasons' he once claimed. [/hider] [hider=sex] Male [/hider] [hider=age] 21 [/hider] [hider=Height] 5’ 5 [/hider] [hider=species] human (former beginner spell caster) [/hider] [hider=Physical abnormalities] He has one huge red scar on his lower right lower leg that spans from his knee to his ankle. It looks like a wild animal decided to have him as a midnight snack. [/hider] [hider=Volunteered or sentenced] Volunteered to join the red hoods. [/hider] [hider=Anything else we need to know] If you think your grandmother is bad at handling modern phones, computers and modern technology in general, you would think that Luke has come straight out of the stone age. He prefers to write letters and only has an old house telephone. It took him a whole month to figure out how to use his recently bought microwave. He also has his own houseplants and Is quite fond of them, even giving them overly long pet names. His longest one was ‘Mister-greenish-floofball-dickleson III’ for his mini-cactus. He says that a little green in his apartment reminds him of his home town located in Stathford. Luke also dabbled with magic when he was eight years old, but he quickly lost interest. He said that it was a pain to study and that even reading spell books made his mind foggy. To this day he can only use one basic spell. He has an odd fear of vampires. They are for him foul creatures hailing from the darkness, aiming to suck the soul out of every human being. A good vampire is a dead vampire. As for his personality, he’s your friendly and talkative guy. During trips he would be the first one making up old wives tales and telling personal stories on the fly, sometimes adding a pun or two to his repertoire. When you are in his company silence will not exist, whether it might be a good or bad thing. Wearing a seemingly permanent bright smile on his face he’s a person always open for a hug or two. However, upon asking about his family, he tends to shy away and change the topic. Furthermore, it is difficult to tell whether he’s upset or not due to his never wavering smile. He doesn’t like to show sadness to others. He thinks it might make other people uncomfortable. [/hider] [hider=spells] [b]‘Nighty night Quick quick lighty light’[/b] This spell creates a small ball of light on top of the caster’s outstretched hand palm. This ball cannot be moved or placed somewhere else. If the caster closes his hand or someone else touches it, the light will dissipate. The caster can control how bright it is. If he wants to it can be so bright that it temporarily blinds the caster and everyone surrounding him. The range is about the same as a flashlight. Luke mostly uses it as substitute for sleeping pills as he regularly suffers from night terrors. He said that using this spell for more than thirty minutes makes him feel drowsy. He dislikes using it in public places, because he finds the line to activate it embarrassing. [/hider]