Phalanx silently watched as other squad members entered the meeting room, the first being a armored Asari who gave a greeting. The Geth gave a respective nod in return before addressing in return as its blue glass eye glowed as it calculated information on this individual. [b]"Greetings Arileth call sign Bastion. It is of great value to be coexisting on the same vessel."[/b] It spoke in its synthetic voice, its metal flaps around the eye moving ever so slightly. As the others came in as well, Phalanx gave similar greetings to each of them, addressing their name and call sign. As the Captain entered however, the synthetic platform stood and gave a salute as well along with the taller Geth platform. It then waited patiently as it calculated the hologram while listening to the Captain's explanation of the plan. It was then Prime decided to inquire their question after the explanation on a back up plan. It was not a bad question, though hopefully everything would go well. [b]"Armory and Engineering bay has connection of ventilation hatches that is accessible. Suggesting possible use for surprise reinforcements in case Eagle or Wolf are outnumbered. Possible use for survivors as well. I calculate hostile forces however will strongly take the bridge, armory, and Engineering to pirate information and weapons for themselves. Any prisoners most likely held in Armory or Engineering Bay for better cover."[/b] It suggested, it's blue eye looking at the Captain. Yet unlike the Prime Geth, Phalanx did not refer to itself as 'we' like many of its race. Though it may be unnoticeable to those not paying attention.